Well, I know you will all think I have been hiding under a rock, but I just painted my first piece with Chalk Paint. Now I have to say, I must have been doing something wrong because I thought it was really hard to use. I am so use to paint just flowing on so smoothly and mine did not. I tried several different brushes including the chip brushes that everyone said to use and I still thought it was hard. Wow, this really fast makeover took me three days. How in the world could that happen.
Now I always love a great before so remember this is the inexpensive tv console that I am doing a makeover too. It is black and not really great for my room, but I am trying to do a few things on a budget, so paint was my answer. (I am testing fabric for the chair makeover and I think this one is a keeper.)
Ok, step one since it is black and some kind of fake wood. I did a really light sanding on the piece. Then I started painting. I thought I would like a gray, but it looks blue in my room, so gray is not going to work at all.
Let that dry then back to the store for more paint. This time I am using Linen White. The white did not cover the gray very well, so I had to do a second coat. That is finally done and now to wait a full day so I can seal it with some Satin Polyurethane. I need for this to be easy to dust and keep clean.
In the meantime I have a fabulous look going on in the family room don’t you think? Those small work tables come in so handy all the time. Love them.
Ok all done and the poly just needs to dry really well, then I can call this project done.
I did some really light distressing. Not sure about this piece, but it is what it is.
After Reveal
Well I have to say I DON’T really like it. White is too white. I think I need something with a washed finish to it. This piece just isn’t going to make the cut.
However I did learn that I work better with regular paint. Chalk paint is just not my thing. I tried styling the lower shelf two different ways. First with greenery – – –
then with wheat finials and I think the natural wheat is better. I think the hunt for a different table is definitely on. I am going to do the window shutters next, so I will leave this until then.
I think this is becoming the longest room makeover in history. All the right pieces will come together eventually, just not right yet – and this wasn’t an improvement at all. That’s ok, my daughter can use it in her new home and it will be perfect in one of her guest bedrooms with a couple of pieces she already has.
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