Home » Laundry Room – Make The Best Of What You Have

Laundry Room – Make The Best Of What You Have

This house doesn’t really have what you would call a laundry room.  It is just a passage way from the kitchen/breakfast room to the garage, but it is big enough to hold the washer and dryer and that is good enough.

Our previous home did have a really nice laundry room.  It was a large room that you entered from the garage to the house and a great size.  Plenty of room for the washer/dryer, a second fridge, plus my craft cabinet.  It also had 4 nice cabinets above the washer and dryer area, so there was tons of storage.  I really enjoyed all that space.

This one is really just a space for the washer and dryer and a shelf on the wall for storage.  Cabinets in place of the shelf is a future project, but in the meantime, I am trying to make the most of what I have.  A few soft baskets from the Dollar Tree and some decorations that I’ve had for years, make it an inviting place to be.

This is certainly not a very inspiring space, but I tried to make it feel a little more inviting.

I put an over the door bar to hold hangers and it also acts as a place to hang stuff as I take them out of the dryer.  The washer and dryer are the perfect height to use as a folding table too.  I keep a couple of glass counter savers on the dryer and use them if I have to get the hot glue gun out for a project.  So this also acts as a craft counter sometimes.

Those baskets are big enough to hold all the household cleaning supplies that I need all the time.  I love having things close by so I can grab the windex or swiffer pads, cleaning rags and get a cleaning job done in no time.

Just a tiny space that works really, really big.  It will work even harder when we get the cabinets, but for now, it is perfect.  (I get asked about my old washer and dryer and why I haven’t upgraded.  Well my motto is “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”  This pair works beautifully and with just the two of us I only have about 4 loads of wash a week, so I can’t really say I am wasting energy.  This old pair gets everything so clean and they function so perfectly that I really can’t justify spending $1000 on a new pair just for looks.)

How about you, do you have a fabulous laundry room or is yours a tiny space too?

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