Home » Our Little Powder Room

Our Little Powder Room

I love a pretty little powder room and how they can be really simple or a fabulous jewel box.  Mine is pretty simple.  Nothing but painted walls, some great wood floors and pretty accessories.  I think the accessories is what makes me smile every time I walk into this little space.

This little room is located at the bottom of the stairs, between the living/dining and the kitchen/family room.

 The only renovation we’ve done in here so far is to replace the really worn white linoleum with these fabulous wood floors.  These are the same floors we put into the kitchen, family room, breakfast area, laundry and the upstairs bathrooms.  It is a product called NuCore and 100% waterproof.   I got them from Floor & Decor.  We had the contractor put these in at the same time we did the kitchen/breakfast room/family room makeover.  I love them.

This is just a really simple little room.  The pedestal sink is to the right as you walk in.  I love that it is located in it’s own little nook, kind of cozy and fun.

The toilet is straight ahead as you walk in.  The space is ample in size and I love having some wall space to decorate.

 Now this is where you can take a really plain little room and spruce it up with just a few well chosen accessories.  Nothing but white walls and yet it has a lot of charm.

Down the road I may add wallpaper or do a really pretty stencil pattern, but for now, it is just fine as a plain little gem.

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