Home » Room Reveal – I Am Calling This DONE FOR NOW

Room Reveal – I Am Calling This DONE FOR NOW

I have stressed and changed this room more than I have ever changed any room in history, and there are still tons of things I would like to do, but for now, I am calling it done.  Time to go on to other projects around the house and outside.  I really want to do some landscaping in the back by the pool and move a few things around on the patio, so time to turn my attention outside.

In the meantime, I have to show you what I found to use as a TV console.  If you have been following along then you know that I painted the black console table we had white and it really didn’t work in this room.  (You can see that post here).  Then while my daughter and I were at Home Goods, I found this really gorgeous cabinet.  It just seemed perfect, so it came home with me.

I love the gray and brown worn finish on this piece, and the mirrored doors are so pretty.  It bounces light all around the room which is always a welcome thing.

This is with the black console (I was testing out fabric for the chair)

This is with the console painted white.

I decided not to reupholster the french chair, just to paint the frame.  I think it looks so much better and I really like the camel colored upholstery with the rest of the room.

The finish turned out like a medium walnut.  It looks really pretty.

All in all I like the direction things are going in here, so it is good for now.

Still trying to decide if I want the french chair next to the sofa or on the right side of the TV console, but at any rate, I am calling this done for now.  The rest will have to come this fall.

So what do you think?

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