Home » My Last Three Kitchens – So Different

My Last Three Kitchens – So Different

I always think it is so fun to look back and see how different previous homes have been.  I’ve owned 13 different homes and all have been so different, really nothing at all like each other.  A perfect example of this is the last three kitchens I have had.

We moved into this home in 1994.  It was a large semi-custom home.  That means we could make a few changes on interior walls, finishes and colors.  We really enjoyed this home and had a lot of fun with our family and friends here.  I loved the big island in this kitchen and the other feature I really liked were the windows in the backsplash.  How fun to see outside and all that fabulous light that came in was amazing.  Super tall vaulted ceilings were a bonus too. This shot was taken from the familyroom.  I looked all over, but I can’t find any more pictures of it.  These oak cabinets were so “in” and I loved them at the time.

Then in 2006 we decided it was time to downsize and have a smaller home and yard.  Big mistake, but live and learn.  We still like to entertain, so downsizing was not a great idea.  The kitchen in the new house this time was a real builder basic and not a good one either.  Light maple cabinets with off white laminate counters and white appliances. Plenty of cabinets and storage, just no style. Just look at that white sink and faucet, that is really bad.

As you can see, this was during my “country” phase.  We did a small mini makeover that definitely helped. We used Brie Wax to darken the cabinets, added some hardware and granite on the island.  Small changes that made a huge difference.

Then in 2015 it was time to update it to my current style.  A little farmhouse and not so country.  New paint and accessories were the only changes but that made a big difference all by itself.

Fast forward to December 17, 2016 and we moved into our current home.  This home was not new, it was 12 years old and had been a rental for many years.  The kitchen was totally builder basic and well used.

One week later we started the remodel and in 5 weeks we had this beautiful new kitchen.   Much smaller than previous kitchens, but totally my style to date.

  Isn’t it amazing how our style changes throughout time.  I’ve been everything from ultra modern, to traditional, to country and now to transitional.  I love the style of this kitchen best, but probably the size of the first kitchen with it’s big island and super tall ceilings.  There’s always something to love about each one.

So have you had a few different kitchens too?


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