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This & That – Beauty & Fashion

With spring here I am in the mood to spruce me up a little.  I don’t need a complete makeover, I just need to change up a few things.

Do you like to try out different beauty products from time to time.  I do and I am loving these Beauty Boxes from Target.  There is a different one each month and they always have an amazing assortment of products to try.  Several are full size and the price is unreal at only $7.  This is the last one that I got.

It comes beautifully packaged.

There are some great hair products, body wash and skin creams.  (I don’t think I will be dying my hair purple, but it will be a fun gift for the teenager next door.)

I also really like the colors in this eye shadow pack.  Perfect for a soft summer look.

They also include a $3 coupon and a nice description of each product.  I think this is fun to get every month.

 I got a perm and a haircut and color, so that is all done for now, but I need to take a look at my wardrobe and not wear so much black all the time.  At Christmas I wore red a few times and it just seemed to lift my spirits and my looks too.  So for Spring I thought I would put together a basic go to outfit that I could dress up or down for any occasion.  We’re pretty casual around here, so nothing too dressy, but something that can look like it is up to date.

I saw all that pretty pink on the bed and it gave me an idea.  I love this purple top, it is really flattering on and paired with my new white slacks it can look dressy if need be.  Pairing it with my rhinestone sandals it can look sort of dressy and the bright pink scarf  makes the perfect shoulder wrap if it is a little chilly.  Then if I want to be more casual, I can pair it with my black flats and a light sweater if I need something.  Ok, I think this is going to be my new go-to outfit for Spring.

I also found a couple of new additions to my wardrobe at Loft.  They are having an amazing 40% off sale on so many things.

This really cute top is only $26.70 after the discount.

This is another really cute one for $26.70 too.  Both of these will be fabulous for summer.

I think I am set for the beginning of Spring.  I can wear a ton of tops with those white slacks, so that will be my staple for sure.  My white jeans are always in the rotation too, so they will definitely stay.

How about you, do you like to create a few new looks for each season too?

This is not a sponsored post and I am not compensated in any way, I just like to share fun finds with you.

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