Home » Beautiful Bedroom Blog Tour

Beautiful Bedroom Blog Tour

I am thrilled to be joining the Beautiful Bedroom Blog Tour hosted by Tammy @ Pink Peppermint Design.  So many gorgeous bedrooms to see this week – did you see how beautiful Christy’s bedroom is from Our Southern Home?   Everything she does is so unique and fabulous.

If you are new here, we have been in our home a little over a year now and I am still in the process of shuffling furniture around from room to room to find the right place for everything.  The master bedroom has gone through a few changes too.  I think I am finally getting the pieces that work best in here, but don’t hold me to it, things might change again any day.

  Our master bedroom in this house is a really nice size room with fabulous vaulted ceilings, his and hers closets and a huge 9 ft tall window that lets in tons of light.  It is a favorite place to change out pillows and accent colors since all that light makes everything look wonderful.

  I am currently crushing on two really pretty fawn pillows that I made, so I paired them with a soft cocoa/sequin throw and two cocoa string/sequin pillows from Home Goods.

Since I have been on a kick of shuffling furniture all over the place, I traded places with the white chair and this leather chair.  It was previously in the living room, but the white chair looks so much better in there.  I love this chair and it adds a little masculine vibe to the room.

  To offset the dark headboard and the chair,  I brought back in the skirted table to lighten up the space a little.

I love to find unusual furniture pieces and redo them.  This headboard was a thrifty find from Hotel Liquidators.  You can see how some paint totally transformed it in this post.

A little distressing gave it an old world look.  I really liked the fabric on the headboard so I kept it and looked for something to coordinate for the bedskirt.

This fabric was the winner.  I love the texture and the colors go with anything.  These two have gone with so many different room makeovers for years.

There are never ending projects when you move and as you can see I still need to stain or paint my jewelry armoire.  The carpet is not what I would have chosen, but it was new when we bought the house, so it stays for now.  Down the road I would love to replace it with hardwood floors like we put in our family room/kitchen remodel.

Hubby just recently hung the TV on the wall.  You can check out the post to see how he hid the wires in some plastic tubing especially designed for this project.   I am experimenting with different vignettes to hide it.  For now I am liking this one since it is a little masculine.

The “hers” walk in closet is where I play dress up.  (His & Hers closets is such a treat)

I love having a primping station and a place to display all my bags.

Every girl needs a place to put on her jewelry and take a last look in the mirror.  You can see more of the closet here.

The bedroom in our new house is a comfortable and relaxing space that functions beautifully for us for now.  As always there are still things I would like to change.

Next on the tour is Christy @ 11 Magnolia Lane, she will definitley inspire you with her quiet elegance.  Be sure to check out all 20 Beautiful Bedrooms, each days line up is listed below.



Pink Peppermint Design – Meaningful Spaces – Life On Cedar Lane – The Greenspring Home 


Southern State of Mind – Designer Trapper in a Lawyer’s Body – This is Our Bliss – RemodelaCasa –Cuckoo4Design 





A Stroll Thru Life – 11 Magnolia Lane – Heathered Nest – My Sweet Savannah – Our Southern Home 

DIY Playbook – Modern Glam Spicy Salty Sweet Home – Follow The Yellow Brick Home – Almafied – Haneen’s Haven 

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