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Under Counter Lights With No Wiring Needed

When we did our kitchen remodel, I really gave a lot of thought to lighting.  I love a bright kitchen where you can see everything and all of your work surfaces.  This kitchen had really bad track lights when we bought the house.  I had those removed  and had our electrician install pot lights to give us great lighting over the entire kitchen area.  Then I had him install two pendant lights over the peninsula.  Our back wall with the oven isn’t a large area so I didn’t install undercounter lights at the time.  The microwave over the range has several different light levels, so I thought that was enough.

Since living here for a while I wanted the counters on each side of the range to be lit.  Now that would require some wiring, or so I thought.  Then I discovered these wonderful led wireless lights and that was a game changer.

SOLLED Wireless LED Puck Lights

Here you can see some of the potlights and the pendant lights that I had installed.  This room gets a ton of natural light also, so it really is a nice bright kitchen.

The only place that I have cabinets above the counters is this one section where the range is.  The light on the microwave really does a good job of lighting up this whole area, however I do get shadows on the two sides.

I just think I was totally spoiled with all the wonderful light that my counters received in my last house, so a few shadows under my current counters bothered me. 

Well there aren’t any shadows anymore, these little battery puck lights took care of that.  These are so fun,  you just stick them up and you can either tap them to turn them on or they have a remote.  They also can be full power or dim to 40%  or 80%.  The instructions say they will run 100 hours on one set of batteries.  That’s plenty since I will only be using them at night when I am cooking.
Here is a picture mid day without the overhead lights on to show you how much light these little beauties really put out. 

Here is a picture with them turned off 

Big difference for $12.99.  If you need lights for under your counters there are all kinds of these wireless ones to choose from and they really do the job.  So far I am loving mine.

(This was not a sponsored post, I just like to share products that I love.)

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