Home » You CAN Have Your Champagne Taste On A Beer Budget – Shopping Tips & Tricks

You CAN Have Your Champagne Taste On A Beer Budget – Shopping Tips & Tricks

By now I am sure you have all gathered that I have Champagne taste but a Beer budget.  Now if I am being honest, sometimes all I can afford is Kool-aid – you know the 5 cent packet and some water.  (I haven’t bought Kool-aid for a while, so I was shocked to find out they are now on sale at 3 for $1)  Anyway, I still have a taste for Tiffany when my budget insists I need to be at Walmart.

So what is a girl to do?  Well I have a few tried and true tips for you so you can have that high class look you want for pennies.  

Goodwill – For years I think I had the best Goodwill in the country.  We lived in a rather exclusive area and their stock reflected all the high end stuff that was traded in.  My $9.99 Louis Chairs are just one example.  You can learn all about them here, here and here.

Over the years I found numerous high end quality pieces that just needed a little TLC to look good as new.  Here are 3 more favorite finds.

 That’s not true anymore.  Goodwill opened a Resale store and everything even remotely nice is now shipped to their store and priced higher than normal retail.  This may not be true of your Goodwill, so check it out.  They are still a great place for dishes and glasses.

Designer Showcase Stores – Here in Phoenix we have a ton of designer stores.  One of my very favorites is called Furniture Affair.  They specialize in Model Home Furniture and everything they carry is high end and current.

  Their prices are totally amazing too.  High end quality at the price of low end used.  I bought a $200 chair for $98.  My daughter bought custom twin comforters, shams and throw pillows for $125 for the pair.  These would normally cost well over $200 per bed.  Check around in your area for stores that carry Model Home Furnishings.  These stores sometimes have the most amazing accessories too and at really affordable prices.

Hotel Liquidators – I’ve found end tables, chairs and two different headboards plus lamps, art and mirrors.  This is a fabulous place to find good quality furniture and accessories that come out of some really high end resorts. 

 My master bedroom headboard is just one example.  $79 for King and it looks like thousands.  All I had to do was paint the wood, the fabric was fabulous.

Guest Bedroom Headboard – $29.50 – I reupholstered the fabric insert.

That camel colored Louis style chair next to the sofa – $59.

Craigs List – Now I personally haven’t found anything on Craigs List, but friends have had fabulous success, so be sure to check out your area.

Garage Sales – You can sometimes find the most amazing things, it is sort of hit or miss, but by all means check out a few.  My living room sofa was a custom made sofa that was only 4 years old.  My neighbor was moving and I bought it at her sale for $100.  Now I wouldn’t have normally picked a cut velvet fabric, but I needed a white sofa and this one is such a well made piece, so it serves me well.

Facebook – There are some Facebook Page sales in your area, so give them a try too.

Used Furniture Stores – Check around and find ones that specialize in higher end merchandise.  We have one that is called J & K Furniture that has amazing furniture at really fabulous prices. 

This beautiful dresser only needed the top refinished – $69.

This really nice three drawer chest for $79 and I didn’t have to do anything to it.  Perfect condition.

There are also the obvious such as At Home, Home Goods, TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Ross, World Market and even Target and Walmart.  Don’t settle for just anything.  Shop around, wait for sales and look for something similar to the really pricey high end piece that you want.  A good quality knock-off can save thousands.  

Online stores such as Wayfair, Josh & Main & Houzz have some fabulous knock-offs of some really high end designers.  Check out their sales too.  Sometimes as much as 70% off.

My last tip is to sell or consign pieces that you no longer love and want to replace.  Sometimes as our taste changes, some pieces that we own just don’t work anymore.  So sell those things and put that money towards a piece that you will love for years.

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