Home » All White For Summer

All White For Summer

Since the weather is so hot I have been looking for anything that looks cool and to me all white looks cool.  Since I still can’t do a lot of bending, twisting or lifting since my back surgery a month ago, I have been playing with decor around the house.  (Personal update, I start physical therapy Tuesday so I can start to more more and get back to normal.  I will be going twice a week for 6 weeks and then I should be semi-normal.  Hurrah)

 Changing up the dining table is one of my favorite places to play.

I usually tend to think every table has to have candlestick and then when I see all the beautiful tables that everyone else does, very few have candlesticks.  They use all kinds of objects as part of their centerpiece.  That got me to looking through my stash to see what I had.

I was using white goblets and my flowers were all white, so I dug out a few white accessories that I had.  I really liked how the crackle texture on the finials looked next to the iridescent stripes on the vase.  Hunt for vases with different textures or shapes to give your vignettes more interest.

This was fun for a change, now I need to see what else I can create down the road.

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