When you are used to seeing a room a certain way and then you change things up, you’re not always thrilled with the results. Now there may be nothing wrong with your changes, it just is hard to get used to. I am in the process of auditioning some pieces as possible replacements for things that I want to replace.
If you follow along then you know that I have had a huge mirror in my living room for the last two houses. Now it looked totally different in each house.
This is how it looked in the previous house. This was a rather small room so I loved how the mirror opened the space up and made it look twice as large. In this room the ceilings were 9 ft. tall and the mirror was framed with windows and drapes on each side.
This is how it looked in this new home. This room has 2 story ceilings, so the mirror is definitely more of a focal point.
The mirror is gone to a friend for her staging business. Now I need to figure out what is going to take it’s place. First thing I notice is how the mirror use to bounce light around the room. It is so much harder to get a good picture now. There is either too much light or not enough.
My daughter had these two paintings that she loaned me to try out in this space.
They are in shades of beige/cream/cocoa. As you can see in the picture, depending on the light they have shades of gold and mint green too. I used two cocoa pillows to keep a neutral pallet. The width is a good size, but I think I need something with more height on this huge 2 story wall.
The second audition is a replacement for my more traditional coffee table that I have been using. (you can see it in the above picture with the mirror.) This is the round brass and glass one that I have had in the family room. I like the style but think this one is a little too small for this space.
It’s a luxury to be able to try out different things. I am such a visual person that it is hard for me to envision change. Having the luxury of switching a few things around is a huge help. I think I also need to lighten up some of the end tables. Now I think I have a better idea of what I am looking for.
I might try to find one large painting, or I could do a gallery wall. I have been looking through pinterest for ideas. I like the simplicity of one painting.
I really loved the way the mirror reflected light in the room, so another mirror might be what I want. This was interesting.
I also love the idea of a paned mirror if I can find one big enough that doesn’t cost the same as my house. When it runs up to $$$$ then that is not in my budget.
I like the idea of the glass coffee table since this is a small room, but I don’t think the round one is right. I saw a few that were square, so I might try that route. This is like my round one but I love it for it’s simplicity.
So what do you think? What would you do.
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