2nd Anniversary In Our New House – Then & Now

Whenever we move into a new home, I like to keep track of all the changes that we’ve made.  Last year I did a One Year Anniversary Post. 

Now it is time to see where we are now.

One Year Ago Today We Got The Keys To Our New House – Then & Now

Before – We got the keys to our new house on 12/17/16.  We moved in on the 21st and this is what our Christmas looked like. 

Now – 

Dining Room Then – 

Now –

Kitchen/Breakfast Area Then – –

Now – 

Family Room Then – 

Now (looking from the kichen)

LOft/Office/Girl Cave Then-

Now –

Master Bedroom Then –

Master Bedroom Now – 

Master Bathroom Then – –

Now –

Guest Bedroom Then – 

Now – 

Backyard Then – 

Patio Now – 

Yard Now –

There is still much to do, but we are so grateful for this home and how far it has come.  Being back closer to family is the best ever.  I do count my blessings every single day.

Now to another new year and a few more room makeovers.  

To stay up to date on all the makeovers taking place at our new home, I would love to have you follow me.  You don’t want to miss any of our“Hits & Misses”.

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