I think we are all looking for ideas to start off the new year fresh. That could mean eating right, getting our home in shape or improving a skill. I found some great tips in all of these categories.
Maison de Pax shared her 5 Tips for Photographing Interiors for those of us who are trying to improve our photography skills.
If you are looking to spruce up your home in the new year – Jennifer from Town & Country Living shared a ton of ideas on how to add character to your home with bead board.
If your kitchen is small and you need a dishwasher, consider one under the sink. I didn’t even know such a think was possible. Check out how Stacy made it happen.
With Christmas packed away, here are eight Cleaning & Organizing Tips To Start Off 2019.
Waiting On Martha invited all of us to join in this wonderful 31 Day Challenge and there is an amazing $775 giveaway at the end too.
I shared some Easy Great Meals For Cold Winter Days (and when you’re in a hurry)
To stay up to date on all the makeovers taking place at our new home, I would love to have you follow me. You don’t want to miss any of our“Hits & Misses”.
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