Home » Kitchens Must Have – Flour Sacks

Kitchens Must Have – Flour Sacks

I use flour sacks all the time and up until now only had them in white, but a new kid is on the block.

I just recently was introduced to Mary’s Kitchen Flour Sack Towels, and I am totally in love.

(This is a sponsored post, but all opinions are my own.)

I think a flour sack is a total must have in any kitchen.  I use them for so many things.  First of all they make the perfect towel for drying dishes, then how about cleaning, these things polish and shine without leaving lint and streaks everywhere.  I also use mine to wrap around a cutting board and then sprinkle flour on it to have a great surface to roll out pasty dough or biscuits.  This makes cleaning up all that flour so easy and I don’t have to use a ton of flour to have a non stick surface.

If you have a baby, these things are essential.  You can use them as a bib, a clean cover-up for a changing pad and I’ve even used one as an emergency diaper.  They’re also a nice light weight

 cover-up while nursing.

Usually the ones I find are a narrow rectangle, not these, they are a fabulous big square.

and look, they come in colors!!!!!!  How exciting is that.  I have black, red, off white, gray and white.

Here is a wonderful video from their site that I think you will enjoy. 

Here is another great surprise about this company.  You know how you sometimes want something special for a special occasion.  How about a wedding or baby shower and have a few flour sacks transformed with a really cute picture.  They have a screen print service.

Hop on over to their site and check them out.  I know you will have to order a few for your kitchen too.  Mine are absolutely fabulous and the best quality I have ever used.

Mary’s Kitchen Flour Sack Towels.

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