Home » Bargain Fabric & New Throw Pillows

Bargain Fabric & New Throw Pillows

As I said last week, I am going to be in a No Spend period for a while so I can fill up the Piggy Bank, however that isn’t going to stop a few projects.  I am going to use up all the material I have for various jobs that haven’t happened yet.  One of my first things was to use up some fabric that I’ve had for a while and make a couple new pillows.

Whenever JoAnn has a huge fabric sale, I like to browse through and see if there is anything that catches my eye.  I don’t buy their expensive fabric unless it is on sale for a really good price.  I found these two pieces at a super price, so of course I bought enough for some pillows. 

I usually buy 3/4 of a yard so I have enough to make 22″ pillows or a combination of a square and an oblong.

I really like the look and feel of this fabric, it was a substantial cotton and the color and pattern were both nice.  It was regularly $34.99 and on sale for 50% off.

This one has a really pretty sequin pattern, and was on the close out rack.  It was normally $49.95 yd.  I bought 3/4 yd. for $14.99.  That is a bargain in my book.

I set my sewing machine up on the end of the breakfast table.  It is out of the way there, but also gives me a great work area.

Plenty of room to spread out and create my projects.

I made one 22″ pillow with the grey geometric and had enough to also make the cording for a very special designer look.  With the sequin fabric, I cut out a 22″ piece for the front of one pillow complete with cording and —

I had enough to make an oblong bolster style pillow with the remainder of the fabric. (I used the sequin fabric for the front and back of this pillow – I also used a plain cream fabric that I already had for the cording)

That’s only $32.49 for three gorgeous pillows.  Each pillow has a zipper so I can change them out whenever I want to.  If you would like to see my tutorial for making a pillow with cording and a zipper you can check out my tutorial here.

I still have more fabric, so I may get busy and make a few more pillows.  

How about you, do you sew and do you make your own pillows too.  They are so much more economical if you can make them and they really don’t take much time either.  

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