Home » Green For Spring

Green For Spring

Green has been around for a while, but I am really seeing tons of green in the stores at the moment.  Maybe it is because of St. Patrick’s Day or maybe just Spring.  At any rate it is always such a fun and exciting color to use.  

Sometimes you find a post that just really catches your eye. This post from Salvaged Inspirations popped up online again and I thought maybe I might get brave and paint a piece of furniture green.  I love all of her examples.

You really need to go see them all, but there were a couple that I thought I could live with and love. 

I love this piece and could totally see it in a dining room or as the perfect accent piece in a bedroom.

 This deep green is one of my favorite colors, so I would definitely use this.

 Painting the base of a table in this fresh green would be fabulous in any kitchen or sun room.

 This would be a gorgeous nightstand in a guest bedroom to add some color and character.

 Now this is a statement piece if I ever saw one.

Check back on Monday to see how I am using some Green in my living room.

So how about you, could you live with a piece of furniture painted green?

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