Home » Spring Kitchen

Spring Kitchen

I am sure you all know that my favorite room is my kitchen.  I love how our remodel turned out.  It is even better than I hoped.   I love to play and puttz with decor when it is all shiny and clean.  Time to add some Spring since the weather is getting warm.

If you are new here, this is what the kitchen looked like when we bought the house.  We kept some of the cabinets, rearranged some and added some, then a ton of paint, flooring and appliances and we had a new kitchen. You can see how we did our remodel on a budget here.

I like to keep the counters fairly clean, but this corner just seems to hold all the necessary things and a few for fun and whimzy too.

The island is where I like to add a few decor pieces.  My fat yellow pig is such a statement piece and yellow is so pretty for Spring too.

Not a huge kitchen but since we also have a fabulous Walk-in Pantry and a wonderful “Dish Room” I have more than enough space.

I love that the kitchen eating area is large enough to hold my harvest table.  I can easily seat eight here when we have the family over.  Some pretty sprigs from the neighbor’s yard are perfect for a Spring bouquet.

Mark your calendar to save the dates March 18 thru 22 for the 

2019 Spring Home Tours

30 Fabulous Bloggers open the doors to their homes and share their Spring Decor.

I can’t wait to share more of my home with you.

To stay up to date on all the makeovers taking place at our new home, I would love to have you follow me.  You don’t want to miss any of our“Hits & Misses”.

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