Home » Are You The Keeper Of Family Heirlooms & Treasures ?

Are You The Keeper Of Family Heirlooms & Treasures ?

When I walk through thrift stores and Goodwill I often wonder who owned those items and how come someone in their family didn’t want any of it.  I have so many things that I treasure from my Mother and my Mother-in-law that bring back wonderful memories and I love having them. 

 Some of the things I have that are very special to me are Silver, Crystal and some dishes.  I have this very old antique china cabinet that holds most of it.  These items don’t necessarily have any monetary value, just sentimental, but I love them all. 

This house has tons of windows which I love, so there wasn’t a wall to put the china cabinet on. It sits on the long entrance wall across from the dining table..

This piece has curved glass on the sides and door that is original with a few tiny bubbles and waves that old glass has.  It isn’t nearly as full as it looks, the back is mirrored, so it doubles the appearance of everything in it.

It is impossible to get a picture of the items inside with all the shine of the silver and sparkle of the crystal.  The shelves are very heavy glass as you can see, so that creates even more reflection as well as the mirrored back.  These are all just things that I remember my Mother and Mother-in-law saving for special occasions and loving.  When I see these pieces I think of both of them.  (The pink depression glass on the bottom shelf were wedding gifts to my parents)

When I use some of these pieces in my tablesettings, I love that it brings back memories for my children too and they say “That was Grandma’s.”  Sweet memories of loved ones.

You can read the story about my China Cabinet and how I found it here. 

I’m also the keeper of the clocks too.  I have eight, three of them hang in my loft/office, but that’s a story for another day.

Are you the keeper of family treasures too?

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