A Real Life Miracle – My Granddaughter’s Story

I want to re-introduce you to an amazing woman and introduce you to the miracle of her life.  If you are new here, I would like to have you meet my granddaughter-in-love – Megan.  She is the gorgeous woman in the middle – in the wheelchair.  She has started a blog to tell the world the story of her life. It is an amazing story that I think will inspire and uplift you.  I hope you will read her story and follow her blog.

Tiny Handed Life

8 years ago she married my grandson –

 Jake, one of the most amazing men in the whole world.  In a series of posts she shares the story of her life with SMA11 ( Spinal Muscular Atrophy type ll ) , her family, marriage and children.

While there are challenges to carry a baby, Megan had her prayers answered.

Five years ago I shared the story of Bronx and his miracle birth.   His lungs were so weak when he was born that he had to be in the NICU for several weeks.  Such a tough little fighter.Bronx is now the most adoreable young man you will ever meet.  He is personality overload and another Miracle from God.

3 years ago he became a big brother to Shai.  They both prove that the Lord has no limit to his Miracles.

The following stories are posts Megan has shared on her blog.  I hope you will read her story and follow her blog.  She is an amazing woman that will touch your heart with her ability to look at life with her cup full to the brim.

Some History

I Deserve Babies Too

Livin’ the life in my shoes

Tiny Handed Life

She had a brother with the same disease that was recently in an accident and went home to be with the Lord.  She shares his story in such a beautiful way.  I think you will be Blessed by it.

The Saturday Shock 

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