What a fun trip we had to Salt Lake City to see Jordy graduate from the University with his Master’s in Architecture. It is just amazing how fast they grow up.
Jordy has worked so hard for his degree and it truly is a fabulous accomplishment. The Graduation Ceremony we attended was for all the ones receiving their degrees in Architecture. They were led into the auditorium by a band and all the faculty.
Of course we were all looking to get the first glimpse of Jordy. There, we see him.
Grandpa had to give him a handshake and hug even in line.
His Graduating Class all seated.
Time for the diplomas. I moved down front with the moms to get a few pictures.
We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished Kenneth Jordan DeJarnett.
Dad (my oldest son) is pretty proud too.
So is Grandma. (I’m grinning like a Cheshire Cat)
Such a super fun trip and wonderful memories of another milestone in the family.
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