Home » Bathroom Vanity Storage – What Works For Me

Bathroom Vanity Storage – What Works For Me


If you have been following along then you saw that I just finished staining the

  Master Bathroom Vanity.  Now it is time to get the storage organized.

Purging and Organizing Bathroom Vanity Storage


View into shower/toilet section –

This is a galley type bathroom and only has one sink which we could both work with, however since the hall bathroom is next to the master bedroom door, hubby decided that he would like to have his own bathroom.  So that is what he uses.  It is getting a little makeover too with a new vanity, toilet and accessories.  Here is the Inspiration Collage Board – we’re still waiting for a couple things to come in, then His makeover can begin.

So I use the one in the Master as my bathroom.  That is really a total luxury to have your own bathroom, so I am loving this arrangement.  This bathroom is truly builder grade with no upgrades for the vanity.  It’s as basic as can be, but it works for now until the budget allows for a total gut job.

Here’s a reminder of before

and now –

So, making it pretty for me was my goal – – – –

If the vanity is finally getting some love, then maybe I should purge all the storage and see if I can get all the stuff that seems to accumulate in a bathroom under control.  You know all the makeup, hair products and other things that just seem to grow out of control.

Now I don’t have any fancy solutions and really didn’t want to spend tons of money for organizational pieces, so I bought a couple things and then used what I already had.

There are only two drawers ( the two in the center are faux, I just added the handles because I liked the look).  Since I have my makeup mirror attached to the wall on the left side of the vanity and near the window for natural light, that drawer was the logical place for my makeup.

I found this wonderful drawer divider that fit perfectly at Home Goods.  I sorted through all the makeup I don’t use, outdated and just junk and kept way too much, but now it is organized and easy to see what I need.

The door storage area underneath holds a small drawer unit that I’ve had for years.  Perfect for my body creams, lotions and other small items – (a few extra makeup essentials – nail essentials – tweezers and other tools)

The two center doors hold all the big stuff we all need.  First one has hair “stuff”.  All those big bottle and can essentials. This is a drawer that pulls out so I can easily reach anything in the back.  (On the side I have a few extra garbage bags for the small trash container in the toilet section of the bathroom)

The other side under the sink hold more Hair Essentials.  Curling irons, hair dryer and more hair products in the drawer.  There’s also room for some bathroom cleaning essentials.

The drawer on the top right holds my combs and mirror plus a few odds and ends.

The door underneath has extra toothbrushes, paste and etc, a box for all the first aid things and then a drawer for feminine hygiene products.


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Nothing fancy or magazine worthy, but simple everyday storage that is easy to organize and find what I need.  So don’t feel like you have to have custom pieces or things from the most expensive container store to organize your bathroom.  No one usually sees this but you, so no need to spend a fortune.  Use some simple storage drawers from Walmart and then purge all the things you don’t really use and your bathroom will be perfect for you.

Now I can use this bathroom without trying to find what I need.  It’s so easy to see everything.

How about you, what is your solution to all that “bathroom stuff”?

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