Home » Hall Bathroom Makeover Glitches and Fixes

Hall Bathroom Makeover Glitches and Fixes

Every Makeover Has A Few Glitches

Most makeovers have a few glitches along the way, you know things that don’t always work out as planned.  Our Hall Bathroom Makeover had only two, so that was indeed a miracle.  Everything fit, looked great and was wonderful except two tiny little things.

I ordered a nice new medicine cabinet for the makeover.  The one we had was your standard small builder grade that was really bad.  I ordered a nice large upgrade that I have been seeing in all the upscale model homes.  

Now there was only one small problem.  In order for the door to open on the medicine cabinet, it had to be high enough to open over the faucet, however the light fixture was now in the way.  We had a fixture with two globes and the door hit the first globe.  So it had to be removed.  (You can see in the above and below picture the problem)

Not a big deal, I found a great new fixture with only one globe on 

Amazon and it was shipped the next day.

Now the door can open and the new light fixture looks amazing. 

The second glitch was in the shower.  Since there isn’t any shelf space built into the tub surround, there was no place to store shampoo, moisturizer or body wash.  We added a shelf which turned out to be perfect.   The only problem is the shower head was in the way and way too low for all of the 6’5 men in my family.

I found a fabulous extension on line and now the problem is solved.  It is high enough that my guys can wash their hair and also reach the toiletries with ease.

The light glitch turned out to solve another problem that I had.   Our half bath downstairs still had the original hollywood lights. (sorry for the dark picture, those lights were really bright)

Now with the light we took down from the Hall Bathroom, this looks 10 times better and way more up to date.  Love it.

 This little glitch really turned out to be a blessing.

 Hard to take pictures, but this really is a bright and cheerful powder room.

Now we’re more up to date all around. 

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