Home » New Recliners – Which Ones Did We Choose

New Recliners – Which Ones Did We Choose

I shopped online and through just about every furniture store in Phoenix.   NEW RECLINERS – WHICH ONES DID WE CHOOSE.  I sat in dozens of chairs and looked at all kinds of styles and fabrics.  There is manual push back and electric – plush and streamline – fabrics and leathers real and faux.  When you try to put that all together with something that will work for both hubby and I and fit my decor, that is really a challenge.

I looked online at tons of options, but I soon found that we both needed to sit in a chair.  Hubby likes his to have a good headrest and I like for mine to have good lumbar support.  Then, of course, there was the fabric situation.  I have had fabric and he has had leather.  He wasn’t necessarily looking for leather again, but I was since he likes to come in from working in the yard all sweaty and sit down to rest.  Fabric would be a disaster in nothing flat.  I didn’t think a faux leather would really last with constant use, so I really wanted a good cowhide leather.   Then did I have to have a matching pair.  Not really, but I like pairs best, so I really wanted a pair.

Style was another whole issue.  This isn’t a big room and I really don’t like all those overstuffed – poofy recliners anyway, so something a little more on the slimline or contemporary side would fit better in the room.  Next, what about color.  If I was going to choose leather, then what color.  That did limit my choices a little bit more.  Also, not every chair came in a ton of leather color choices.  There were several shades of brown, gray and black.  I don’t think I saw a single tan leather chair anywhere.  I did see one that was called luggage, but it was almost an orange.  So my choices had to be either brown or gray.

Here is the winner.  Good bad or indifferent, this is the one that fit us both best for comfort, has great style, and was available in a great leather.  We found the most options at Living Spaces, so that is where we finally made our purchase.

New Recliners _ Which Ones Did We ChoosePin this image on Pinterest

They will be delivered next week and then I can start to play with the room and pull things together.  I can hardly wait.  These are a fabulous Birthday Present and I LOVE them.

When I first saw these online I was sure I wanted these gorgeous luggage tan ones.  But in real life they were way too orange, not really good at all.  It was more of a red cinnamon color than luggage tan.   Kind of disappointing.  I think the gray is a much better color, not too dark and not too light.

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Here is a reminder of how the room looks now.  Can you envision these replacing the beige and brown recliners on the left?

Family Room Refresh

(I may have to revamp the brown wicker chairs with a gray wash like the tv console.)  I found this tutorial that looks like it would work.  This basket turned out really pretty.

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Here are a few other gray wash chairs that I found.  I think this might work.  What do you think?

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This one is almost exactly like my chairs, so I think I can do a color wash on mine to create a similar look.

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So what do you think?  Is this one that you would have chosen?


  1. Connie
    August 25, 2019 / 7:00 am

    Looks like a winner to me. We have been looking for recliners to go in our small motor home and it is a challenge. I like the ones you chose but I am not into black. Wished they had a nice tan color too! Seems like we are going through another faze in decorating. LOL Your always make good choices for your home and your rooms always looked pulled together. Can’t wait to see your new chairs.

    • marty39
      August 25, 2019 / 7:54 am

      Recliners really are hard. It is almost impossible to find anything small. There are so many huge puffy ones. I settled for a nice medium gray color. There weren’t any tans anywhere that I saw. Not a single one. So good luck, I know this is really hard.

  2. August 25, 2019 / 9:05 am

    Yep, those are the ones I thought would be great and you liked too. The color is handsome and will be a nice neutral with the wood trim too.

  3. Margaret
    August 25, 2019 / 9:55 am

    Your guest may seat themselves in your new recliners. I wouldn’t blame them at all. The gray will look great.

  4. August 25, 2019 / 11:16 am

    Hi Marty,
    You made a perfect choice. I love the wood on the arms and the darker gray color. Make it look more modern than a dark black. My recliner that I got for Terry that I loved and it matched my white slipcovers so nicely. Tufted back and light brown leather. It was perfect. Well in the new house it did not fit in the space for it. So I sold it and found another one for Terry. It is darker tan but I looked and looked for light tan and they were too big. So the darker will be ok. Who knew buying a leather recliner was so tricky and hard. I do love your choice.

  5. Cindy
    August 25, 2019 / 4:00 pm

    I think you made an excellent choice. I think you’re wicker chairs look great as is but I’m sure whatever you decide will look good.

  6. August 25, 2019 / 5:11 pm


  7. riley
    August 29, 2019 / 11:31 am

    I am not sure about the gray wash for the wicker chairs. That side of the room looks very light to me. To my eye, it needs some something that is darker. I like the idea of a wash, but not the light gray one. Maybe a darker gray wash? At the light gray value I can’t help but think they’ll blend too much with the TV stand? You make such good choices in your rooms that I’m sure you’ll know exactly what to do.

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