Home » My Office Girl/Cave – The Other Side Of The Story

My Office Girl/Cave – The Other Side Of The Story

You’ve all seen my Girl Cave/Office quite a few times, but you only see one side of the room.  I get questions all the time about what you can see in the mirror.   So I thought it was time to try and get a picture to show you the other side of the story.  I’ve shared it before, but it’s been a long time, so time for a repeat for those that missed it and keep asking.  My Office Girl/Cave – The Other Side Of The Story.

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This is the view you have seen quite a few times.  My little settee and this fabulous leather chair where I can curl up with a good book or watch tv.  The bookcase reflection in the mirror is what you guys always ask about.

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 Everytime I share this space, I get a ton of questions about this mirror too.  This is a fabulous piece I found years ago at  Ethan Allen.  The wood frame on this mirror is amazing, such pretty wood and so much detail.  It is one of my favorite pieces.  It measures 36″, so it is a nice size too.

 You’ve also seen this view quite a few times too.  This is the loft area as you come up the stairs.

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The gateleg table I use as my desk and this little space that is set up as my office.  This functions perfectly for me on a day to day basis.  The small bookcase holds everything I need such as pens, paper clips, note pads, scissors, rulers and etc.

This isn’t a big room, (12 x 15) but it is big enough to house my huge entertainment center that we had in the family room in our previous home.  (I took this picture standing on the stairs, peeking over the railing.)

It’s perfect to hold some of my books and decor plus the tv is behind those doors so I can watch any of my programs that I want to.  The drawers and storage on the bottom hold all the other office supplies and files that I might need from time to time.  This piece is perfect for this space.

This is a pic of the space when we bought the house.

 This shows how it is layed out at the top of the stairs.  My desk area is in front of that half wall and the entertainment/bookcase unit is on the full wall on the right. The bookcase unit is exactly the same width as the wall – it goes from the window to the edge of the wall.

Now you have a better visual idea of how the space is layed out.    I love it and spend a ton of time in here.  I feel so blessed to have this space to call my own.

While I am working at my desk I can watch tv or turn and look over the railing at the living and dining area downstairs.  I always feel like I am in the middle of the action even upstairs.

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Most everything in this room are things I’ve owned for years.  The clocks are inherited from my mom’s collection.  I did find some similar items that you could use to recreate a similar room.  Click on any link below for information and to order.


So do you have an office to call your own too?


  1. Nonie
    September 25, 2019 / 8:34 am

    What a wonderful space to recharge your spirit. Are the lights built into the cabinet? How would you go about lighting shelves if they are not built in? I have a built in, in the dining room, that I think could be a featured spot but so far it is a mess. Could you do a on line ‘help me’ decorating?

    • marty39
      September 25, 2019 / 8:56 am

      Thanks so much. My cabinet has built-in lights but there are a ton of battery puck lights that I see people installing, you just tap the light or some even have a remote. Thanks, I will see about doing a help me series. Great idea.

  2. September 25, 2019 / 8:42 am

    Marty I love that you have carved out a little space for yourself. We all need a cute she cave! I love your grandfather clock I do not think I have ever seen that before. The mirror is fabulous along with all the other things in the room. What a cozy and sweet space you have.

  3. Ron Carrier
    September 25, 2019 / 12:50 pm

    I LOVE the mirror.

  4. September 25, 2019 / 2:18 pm

    That’s wonderful how that cabinetry fit there so nicely. It’s like a family room and an office.

  5. September 25, 2019 / 8:22 pm

    I love seeing the other side of the room with the lovely cabinet with so much room to hold books, TV, etc. The mirror is quite stunning. Happy Fall!

  6. September 26, 2019 / 8:49 am

    That is absolutely beautiful. So warm and welcoming.

  7. September 26, 2019 / 10:12 am

    Love your girl cave! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  8. September 26, 2019 / 10:27 pm

    What a wonderful space for your office. The armoire/bookcase wall is perfect for an office, as are all of your other furnishings. I love your clock collection in this room.

    On a side note: Would you mind sharing what APP you use for your comments?


    • marty39
      September 27, 2019 / 6:06 am

      Thanks so much. I don’t use a special app. It is the theme I chose when I switched to WordPress. I used Pipdig to switch things over. Sorry I am not anymore help.

  9. September 27, 2019 / 12:12 pm

    Love this space. I have a room to call my own too, it used to be my daughter’s bedroom. It is a mess at the moment. Maybe I will do a blog about it someday, when I get it cleaned up! Lol!

  10. October 2, 2019 / 3:19 pm

    Happy fall to you, Marty! I was hoping to feature your post but I can’t pick up a photograph to feature. Must be the way it is copyright protected… 🙁 Thank you for sharing with all of us at Share Your Style #225 last week!

    Barb 🙂

    • marty39
      October 2, 2019 / 8:35 pm

      Not sure why you couldn’t copy a picture. I don’t have anything copywrited. Interesting, I’ve never had anyone say they couldn’t copy a picture. Thanks anyway, Marty

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