Home » Changes To Our Home This Past Year – 3rd Anniversary

Changes To Our Home This Past Year – 3rd Anniversary

This Christmas marks the third anniversary of us moving into our new (to us) home.  It was truly builder basic, great bones but really tired builder-grade finishes.  We did a ton of renovations in the first year.  A total makeover of the kitchen, new flooring, mini master bath makeover and adding a pool and landscaping to the back yard.   You can see those changes New House then – 1 1/2 years later.

The second-year we did quite a few more makeovers.  Here you can see our 2 1/2 year timeline – Major and Minor makeovers with dramatic results.

The living room got a makeover with changing out some furniture and accessories for a totally new look.  When you move into a new home your old furniture and accessories don’t always translate well into the new house.  Mine really didn’t.  I needed to make a few changes.

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The guest bedroom got a new DIY Headboard and a few other changes.  This room originally was the home of misfits.  All the things that didn’t have a home elsewhere wound up in here.  Time for some TLC.

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The patio received a complete makeover.  With the construction of the pool, this had become the dumping ground for everything.  Not anymore, now it is a really comfortable place to be.

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I had some major back surgery in June of 2018.  They had to add some bone graphs, rods and screws to my spine to put me back together, so that put me on the sidelines for about a year.   Most of the rest of the year was spent just refining my accessories and my style.

June of 2019 I got the ok from the doctor to tackle a few projects, so the master bathroom and hall bathroom were the major makeovers.

Master Bathroom – When we redid the kitchen we had some leftover granite so we replaced the vanity counter, added a new sink, faucet and also some new flooring.  Now it was time to stain the vanity itself.  A new rug and a few new accessories and we are calling it done for now.

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Budget Hall Bathroom Makeover.  This bathroom was in pretty bad shape, so it got a budget makeover that made a huge improvement.  New vanity, toilet, medicine cabinet, mirror, and lighting.  We also gave the room all-new accessories too.

Before –

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After- With some careful shopping and planning we were able to totally redo this bathroom for under $1000 including all the new fixtures and labor.

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 Family Room Makeover. 

The family room got a makeover with new furniture.  This room has been the hardest to style since we moved in.  We finally got two new recliners and a couple of other new pieces of furniture and this room finally fits our style.  Nothing structurally changed, just the furnishings and accessories.  This is a small room and finding the right furniture that is both comfortable and adds all the seating needed has been a chore.  This space is part of the kitchen and breakfast area, so it is where everyone always hangs out.  Now I like being in here.

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We did a few more changes with finally swapping out the lastt of the original lighting and ceiling fans to a style that fit this house.  Those become refining details that make a big difference in the appearance of the home.

The rest of the year was mainly spent purging and organizing all the closets and storage.  It’s amazing how much you can accumulate that just isn’t you anymore.  I gave a ton to friends, family and took even more to goodwill.  It feels so good to have things organized and not be shuffling through things I no longer need or want.

Our third year in this home has been so rewarding.  Being closer to family and being able to enjoy all the spur of the moment family & friends get-togethers has been a blessing.

Christmas at my daughter’s house is just a small example of all the wonderful people I was missing.  Now I can be in the middle of it all.

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I really look forward to 2020 to enjoy it even more.

For more details, you can Shop My Home under the tab at the top of the header.


  1. January 5, 2020 / 8:53 am

    I love your family pic Marty. Wow and that table at your daughters where everyone can be all together for dining is amazing. You have done so many pretty up grades and changes to your new home in the past year. Happy New Year.

  2. Chsrlsie
    January 5, 2020 / 2:42 pm

    The last picture is beautiful. Because all the pretty stuff in a house is fun. But what really makes a home is the love in it. Great family picture Marty.

    • marty39
      January 5, 2020 / 3:19 pm

      I so agree, thank you so much I do have a wonderful family that I love spending time with. Marty

  3. January 6, 2020 / 10:36 am

    Beautiful family, Marty! You’ve done a lot in your home in a short time. So inspiring! Happy New Year! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  4. Donna
    March 18, 2020 / 12:56 pm

    I like your new recliners in family room. Would you please tell me the furniture line? I plan to buy new furniture for den soon.

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