Patio Cleanup & Refresh

After Christmas the patio didn’t really get a good cleanup. The weather was cooler and we didn’t really use it, so things just got a little messy. Not an exciting place to be and some of the views from the patio aren’t my favorite. So time for a Patio Cleanup & Refresh

Hubby loves to grow some special cactus and succulent plants and some of them are really sensitive to cool weather and rain.  That is why you see this big tarp next to the fence.  He has some plants on tables that have lights to keep them warm and out of the rain.  Not my favorite view.  If the wind isn’t blowing really hard, then the curtains are usually pulled across the back of the patio and it hides the tarp area.  Our shade cloth rollup is laying on the patio floor and some of the plants really took a beating, so time to clean up.

Everything got a good scrubbing and most of the plants were removed.  Next, I added a new rug, the previous one was 3 years old and it was pretty worn.  Then I replaced the settee cushions with some I had from the previous house.  Nice to have a change of color.  The fun part came when it was time to accessorize. 


Since the settee cushions are a colorful stripe, I tried to keep the throw pillows simple. 


The table accessories were kept simple too.  

Now we have a nice clean place to sit and enjoy.  Last night the weather was wonderful, so we sat out here after dinner with a nice glass of wine and enjoyed the view of the pool 


This is our view from the patio.  The pool is definitely my happy place and I can’t wait for the water to warm up a little so I can swim.


 Now to work on some weeds that need to be pulled.  Then I think we will be ready to enjoy the yard for summer. 



  1. April 20, 2020 / 7:48 am

    Love the pool Marty. I love your outdoor living space. Always so pretty. Happy New Week.

  2. Ann
    April 20, 2020 / 9:48 am

    Just a little heads up … every time I open your blog to read the “follow on Instagram” box comes up right over the reading material and often I am not able to click it off. So it makes reading difficult and I give up. Perhaps there is a fix?

    • marty39
      April 20, 2020 / 10:08 am

      Thanks, I will see what I can do. Marty

  3. Patrice
    April 20, 2020 / 10:26 am

    I sometimes have the same problem.

  4. M
    April 20, 2020 / 10:55 am

    Every thing looks very inviting and restful. Now if the weather will cooperate you can enjoy a swim.

  5. Michele M. (Finch Rest)
    April 20, 2020 / 7:20 pm

    Oh my – it looks awesome, Marty! What a wonderful place to spend time. Wow. A breath of fresh air does a body good.

    Praying you both are staying safe and healthy.

    Sure hope this blows over soon. What a month, huh?


  6. April 21, 2020 / 5:41 am

    The patio looks great! And the pictures have me imagining myself relaxing there with a cup of coffee. Our porch is my favorite place to be – it could use a little love too. Thanks for sharing, Marty!

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