Home » Girl/Cave Office Loft After Christmas

Girl/Cave Office Loft After Christmas

Girl/Cave Office Loft After Christmas. I love all the glitter, sparkle, and color of Christmas, but I am also really happy to get it all put away once Christmas is over.  Some keep their decor up until after the new year, not me.  I am one of those that starts to take things down the day after Christmas.  I am always ready to put the house back to normal and give everything a good cleaning.  It seems we have remnants of glitter sparkle for weeks after.  That stuff is so hard to get vacuumed up. Once everything is packed away, I am ready to refresh each room with something cozy for the new year.  One of my favorite places to start is the Girl/Cave Office Loft.  I spend a lot of time here, so having it feel new and fresh is always so uplifting. 

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Playing off the camel color of the settee, I’ve added even more shades of camel with the pillows and throw blanket. 

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There are shades of camel in the leather chair, end table, and even the weave of the basket trunk coffee table.  I think the secret to a neutral or monochromatic color scheme is making sure there are a lot of different textures in the space.  (Want to know a secret? We use this space as our secondary guest room when we have more than a couple.  That basket trunk holds the blow-up bed and all the bedding.  How handy is that!!)

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The gateleg table that I use as a desk and the mirror are camel colored wood tones too.  

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You can see a reflection of the Entertainment Center on the opposite wall in the mirror.  It holds office supplies and the TV.  The bookcases are a fun place to decorate.  I like to change them up and something different to look at.  It’s fun to swap out accessories from my stash for a change.

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After the bright colors of Christmas, this is a welcome sight for my eyes.  The Girl/Cave Office Loft after Christmas is now a nice calm, cheerful, and cozy space to start off the new year.

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Now be sure to click on the links below to see what my friends are sharing.

Cozy Living Series - January 2021Pin this image on Pinterest

Vinyet Etc. / Creative Cain Cabin / Hymns and Verses

Cozy Living Series - January 2021Pin this image on Pinterest

A Stroll Thru Life / Duke Manor Farm / Town and Country Living



  1. Patricia Clifford
    January 2, 2021 / 7:50 am

    After Christmas I like to go with pastels, usually blues, whites…I change out my pillow covers and afghans with each season which I have found to be an easy way to change the decor…I also like to move some pieces of furniture with the seasons, I find it helps me shift my perspective on life. Love your camel and earthy tones…Happy New Year !

  2. Donna Nance
    January 2, 2021 / 9:18 am

    I love all of your beautiful home but your girl cave is a favorite. Wishing you a blessed 2021.

  3. elle
    January 2, 2021 / 10:00 am

    Your girl cave / office is a beautiful space. I love the warmth of the wood tones, especially in these times when “everyone” paints things white or gray. The wood is all beautiful.

  4. January 2, 2021 / 11:06 am

    I love your decorating style! Such beautiful colors and so tastefully done. (: We generally leave Christmas up until after the first of the year, but since my mother is coming on Monday, I will leave the tree up until then. Like you, I am ready to refresh things – lots of good ideas on your blog. Happy New Year!

  5. January 2, 2021 / 12:06 pm

    What a wonderful spot to curl up for a good movie. Love your entertainment center and that gorgeous, round wood mirror! I would’ve never guessed there was a bed in that basket. You’re very clever!

  6. January 2, 2021 / 1:52 pm

    Marty, I amazed you can fit a bed and all the bedding in the wicker coffee table. That’s strategic. I just gave away our two queen sized bed in our guest room and I’m going to do what you’ve done with the air mattress. I hate keeping an entire room ready for guests that never come when it can be used for another purpose. I’m with you I get the Christmas things down normally on Christmas Day. I feel like they collect so much dust and I’m always ready to get my home back in order.

  7. January 9, 2021 / 8:54 am

    Marty, I love this cozy space you’ve created! It’s the perfect spot to relax!

  8. February 9, 2021 / 8:51 am

    Marty, I’m loving all of the warm cozy textures in your girl cave. I must say though that round mirror has stollen my heart, gorgeous!!!!!

  9. Patricia
    March 13, 2021 / 11:50 am

    I just came over from Jennifers beautiful Spring tour with the wicker chairs in her sitting room, which I admire.
    So, i just want to tell you that this is such a cozy warm room to hang out, as you say your girl cave/loft. I can imagine reading in there and enjoying the quiet time.

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