Home » Setting The Perfect Easter Table – Step by Step

Setting The Perfect Easter Table – Step by Step

This has been one of my most pinned posts, so I thought I would share it again for the upcoming Easter Holiday.  We all love to have a pretty tablescape for any occasion, and I think especially for the holidays.  Easter is such a wonderful holiday where we dress up for Church to remember our Lord Jesus and children hunt for pretty dyed eggs and the Easter Bunny brings beautiful baskets filled with toys and treats. (This year with all the uncertainty, most Churches are doing service online-only, which is even more reason to create a pretty table for your family.  Go ahead and hide those Easter eggs in the yard and celebrate the Lord.  Watch Church on TV and Praise Him –  as all the family gets together to share in the Holiday Festivities and to enjoy a fabulous meal.)  Setting a pretty table for the occasion can be daunting, but it really is so simple and it doesn’t have to be expensive.  Here is how I go about Setting The Perfect Easter Table – Step by Step.

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 Let’s take this ONE STEP AT A TIME

I like to start with either table runners or placemats.  The table runners I am using I made from $3 yd remnant fabric.  I just cut the size to fit my table.  If you don’t sew you can just turn under the edges and press with an iron.  Since I am setting the table for 4, I chose to use two runners that I crossed on the table. 

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Next, I made a floral arrangement out of Dollar Tree flowers.  I used two branches of Easter Lilies and one branch of filler.  Add in some candlesticks if you would like to.  Again look at Goodwill, you will find all kinds of candlesticks.  I see glass or brass ones all the time, or you can spray paint wood ones.  The 99 cent stores have candles all the time too.

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Next, I like to add in my basic dinner setting.  This is definitely when you can find amazing dishes and accessories at Goodwill and the 99c stores.  These chargers came from Goodwill as well as the dinner plates.  I often find beautiful napkins there too. Ross & TJMaxx are also great places to find inexpensive napkins – usually around $6 for 4.  I used gold flatware that was a gift, but you can use your everyday flatware too.

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Next, I love to add my pretty stems.  The tall stem came from Goodwill.  They always have tons of stems of all kinds.  I see pretty frosted or cut glass ones often.  The 99c stores also have some beautiful stems in clear and colors.  The shorter stem I am using was inherited from my mother-in-law.

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At this point, we can stop and have an amazing tablescape- or we can add in some seasonal decor of some kind if we want to. 

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 I have a collection of Faberge Eggs and Plates that I collected years ago.  Easter is a favorite time to use them.

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A simple white salad plate or bowl would look just as good.

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 You can use napkin rings to display a pretty dyed egg or – cut sections off a toilet paper roll and paint them a pretty color.  They are perfect to display an egg on.

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 how about using a Candy Rabbit or Peep next to each setting.

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With that you are finished and it was super easy and so inexpensive.

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Now you can just accept the compliments that your guests will be handing out.

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Use what you have, shop goodwill and thrift stores, be creative.  I am sure you will find pretty dishes and stems inexpensively that you can use to create a table that your family will love and you will be proud of.  



  1. Michele M.
    March 14, 2021 / 11:35 am

    What a gorgeous and classy Easter table, Marty! It is so serene – love the unique color combinations.

  2. March 14, 2021 / 9:56 pm

    I love the pretty egg details and the color scheme is so fresh and fun for Easter. Great tips Marty!

  3. March 14, 2021 / 10:00 pm

    Beautiful as usual. I love those salad plates and the Faberge eggs.

  4. March 15, 2021 / 6:13 am

    Your table setting is stunning, I love the Faberge eggs.

  5. March 15, 2021 / 10:12 am

    Lovely! Beautiful Easter table.

  6. March 17, 2021 / 4:51 pm

    So elegant and beautiful! I love the egg lates and matching eggs, a stunning find. I like your how to’s for runners. Thanks for sharing.

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