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Jim’s Garden Makeover

You guys all know what a fabulous gardener Jim was.  He could make anything grow and look amazing.  I love flowers and he always made sure I had plenty, however, he loved cactus and succulents.  That wasn’t my favorite, so we had what I always called, His and Her gardens.  When Jim passed away last August, the Master Gardeners came and took his treasured plants and tons of his pots and planting items.  That was such a blessing since I am sure I couldn’t have kept up with all of it.  He had hundreds of plants on growing tables on “His” side of the yard.  Some of his plants are being kept to create a Memorial Garden in his name.  I know he will love that. This is how the area looks today.  Now Spring is here and time for Jim’s Garden Makeover. 

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This area was so different before, Jim loved spending hours out here tending to his plants and the vegetable garden.  I thought the area looked unkept and didn’t photograph it often, but he thought it was wonderful.  This was the veggie garden he grew last year.  I loved seeing this part of the garden, but the rest wasn’t so pretty to see. 

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When the temps reached the 110’s and higher, he would drape shade cloth over everything.  Not only the veggie garden was covered with shade cloth but all of his planting tables were also covered.  That’s when it really started looking bad to me. 

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I loved him more than anything in the world, so he could have his plants, shade cloth and all.  Even if it did look bad.  Here is a picture of part of what the Master Gardeners cleaned up and took away.  You can see pots and bags of potting supplies, plus a couple of his planting tables that hadn’t been dismantled yet.  His plants were already gone and the rest was being taken away too.  Jim’s garden didn’t exist anymore.

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This is the same area now.  I am not going to plant a veggie garden this year, but I do want to do something to landscape this side of the yard.  

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Last summer after the Master Gardeners finished, I had a gardener come in and clean up this area and prune the pool side plants since they had gotten a little out of control.  I know it looked bad, but Jim was planning to cut everything back and take out all of the old annuals that were not blooming well.  So that’s what I had done.  (You can see that post here. )

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I’ve planted a few annuals and perennials and things are looking better on the pool side.  As they grow this summer it will again look lush and beautiful.

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Now my thoughts are turning to Jim’s side of the yard.  What to do there.  I want to add plants around the fence to have pretty shrubs and flowers around this side of the yard too.  It is time for Jim’s Garden Makeover.

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I am also thinking maybe where the two plants are sitting in the middle of the yard behind the big tree, it might be nice to have some chairs and a fire pit.  Just tossing around ideas.  You guys always have such great ideas, what do you think for this side of the yard?


  1. Marsha Dobson
    March 28, 2021 / 6:32 am

    A thought: You should contact Kim Andrews at WV Master Gardeners and see about doing a “Design Charrette” in honor of Jim.

  2. Nancy
    March 28, 2021 / 7:15 am

    Dear Marty, i realize this garden makeover is going to be tough for you this year. Call some of Jim’s gardening friends and ask for help. Request a low maintenance plan for the garden. Since they knew your husband’s gardening likes and dislikes, their input may be very helpful. Please plan a large fire pit area, this would be a nice addition to the overall design of the yard and a comfortable place to make new memories with your family. God bless you and don’t get overwhelmed. Your forte was decorating a beautiful home. You need not worry about managing a high maintenance yard. Keep it simple. It will be lovely.

  3. March 28, 2021 / 7:39 am

    Each milestone we face after losing a loved one is so hard. I will always be so thankful for seeing Jim’s wonderful garden in person and chatting with him about plants that worked well for the zone we were living in. I know you will do him proud.

  4. March 28, 2021 / 8:10 am

    Marty, I couldn’t add anything more to what Marsha and Nancy have said. I, too, am a Master Gardener, and have plantings all over our residential property, and continue to remove the grass in the backyard. Initially hubby not receptive, though seeing how cutting the grass is now taking less time, he embraces the idea. ha Hubby, has already told me if I were to go to Jesus first, he would likely sell the house because he knows he could not maintain the paradise (in my eyes) that has been created. Low maintenance is key and seeking the experts of friends can be one way to go. I’m sure after meeting with you, they would enjoy creating a low maintenance landscape design for many years of enjoyment to come. I trust you will keep us apprised of what’s to come!!

  5. March 28, 2021 / 8:15 am

    Love your space with the pool and outdoor patio dining area. We visited your area last summer on the way to Sedona and I was so impressed with the flowering shrubs that could take the heat there. I would plant low maintenance flowering shrubs and flowers. A firepit would be lovely in the corner too. Pretty patio pots could be set up on a drip system that would make it easy to keep watered.

  6. Patrice
    March 28, 2021 / 8:58 am

    I rarely ever post any comments but you have been on my mind lately for some reason. I have followed you off and on for a long time now. This post is so appropriate since I have been thinking of you and how you are coping these days. I think having someone help you design this area is a good idea. It will be good to have a complete change since I am sure every time you look over that direction is is painful. I pray that God will hold you close and give you comfort. I lost my mother who was my best friend three years ago and I still grieve badly at times. Your husband sounds like he was a wonderful person, and you were so blessed to have him.

  7. March 28, 2021 / 9:29 am

    Marty how sweet the MG would come and take all the plants and then do up a small memorial garden in Jim’s name. That is so sweet.
    Happy Sunday have a good start to the new week.

    • Jean
      March 28, 2021 / 12:47 pm

      The Master Gardner’s should design a plan and plant it for no charge

  8. Jeanine
    March 28, 2021 / 9:58 am

    I am a relative newcomer to your blog, but enjoy it very much. I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. I know it must still be difficult. I think a firepit would be just the ticket in that corner of your yard. I have found that it is best to have a really large area for a fire pit as well as chairs that can be moved easily because it sometimes gets too hot and/or smoky if the chairs are too close to the fire. We made the mistake of putting our fire pit in too small an area, but at least we used plastic adirondack chairs from Home Depot, and they can be moved away from the fire. I look forward to seeing what you do in your yard!

  9. Michele M.
    March 28, 2021 / 12:38 pm

    This had to be rough on your heart, sweet friend. But I TOTALLLY get it. My hubs is a great vegetable gardener – thank the Lord we have a few acres so his “ugly gardening” is way down the hill and trees separate that eyesore from my eyes. Now if I could just get him to not put all his pots and crap on the side of the house – I am sure our next door neighbors think we are rednecks, haha. I can’t even stand to go to that side of the house. I started cleaning it up recently and it actually upset him – I guess he has a method to his madness. So yes, love wins, patience is a thing I am working on. I shouldn’t complain – the house is pretty much my domain except the office. He likes his side to be like his garden – very messy and not organized. *Sigh*

    Now my idea for that space is another tree. You could use more eventual shade in the hot area of the country where you live. Maybe lounge chairs on either side?

    Happy Palm Sunday and Holy Easter week blessings to you, dear friend. Big hugs.

  10. Cherie Czaplicki
    March 28, 2021 / 8:52 pm

    Hi, Marty, you have great questions! First, though, take out that center stake against the trunk of the tree. It is not helping, but hurting, the future of that great tree. The trunk of the tree is strong and will keep the tree standing. Not hard to remove, but I’m sure Jim would have removed it by now. Let that great tree move in the wind! Several of us MGs could help you if you want to contact one of us. Email me anytime!

    Your friend Cherie Cz.

  11. March 28, 2021 / 11:05 pm

    Marty, how about a fire pit and some colorful adirondack chairs around it ?

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