Home » Fun Surprise Easter Eggs

Fun Surprise Easter Eggs

  Easter has to have an Easter Egg Hunt of course, but how about those eggs being something different.  I love creating a fun surprise for the grands when I can.  I love to color all those hardboiled eggs, but not everyone likes to eat them, so I have been trying to find alternative “eggs” for the littles.  This year I found the perfect fun idea at the $1 store.  (This is not a sponsored post.)  I have a little 3-year-old grandson that loves to find surprises and he loves to hunt Easter Eggs.   This year I have some Fun Surprise Easter Eggs. 

I will be hosting Easter this year.  We are going to celebrate our Easter Egg Hunt and dinner on Saturday instead of Sunday.  We have a family member visiting that has a flight out on Sunday at 2PM, so we decided to do Easter on Saturday, and also celebrate another grandson’s birthday at the same time.  With lots of Easter Egg hunts scheduled for Friday at school and Saturday morning at the park, mom asked me to not have candy Easter Eggs. She also asked that since he will have a basket on Friday and one Saturday morning for the park, to keep mine really minimal and simple.  Don’t over spoil him.  No problem, I found the perfect solution. 

You know those tubes of plastic eggs you see at the $1 Store?  I love filling those with candy every year, but this year, I needed something different.  As I walked around the store I found just the perfect thing in the toy section.  Tiny Hot Wheel style cars and trucks.  My little grandson loves playing with these, so how about using them instead of candy.

I got a tube of 6 large plastic eggs and a tube of 6 regular eggs and created some fun surprise eggs.

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Each large egg has a different car or truck and each small egg has a few quarters, dimes and nickels.  These little cars and trucks are just the perfect size to fit inside one of those eggs.  My grandson will love having his own money too.  A trip to the store to buy himself a surprise is always fun.

I found a couple of fun toys to add to his basket.  I kept it really simple with just 3 $1 toys and a simple basket.  I think that will be fun and I am not overdoing or spoiling him too much.  I’ll remove the plastic eggs and set them aside to hide.  I’ll leave his three toys in the basket and I am sure his uncles will finish filling it when they get here.  It will be fun to watch him hunt for the eggs and then discover all the prizes inside. 

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My older grandson is way to old for Easter Baskets, but he is getting a really nice Birthday Gift and I am making him a special cake.  

Sounds like the perfect day with family.  We’ll have the usual dinner with Ham, veggies, mashed potatoes, salad and hot rolls.  

I am so happy we can all be together.  Jim will be with us in our hearts too.  He always loved these family times and will be sooooooooooo missed.  I wish I could see his Easter in Heaven with Jesus, I am sure it will be amazing. 

I hope you get to be with your family this Easter and I pray the Lords Blessing on you and all your family. 


  1. Carol Schaller
    April 1, 2021 / 9:31 am

    Love the idea of stuffing the eggs. I did the same thing a few years ago & got some small rubber snakes, reptiles in a tube, plus little bouncy balls to use inside the eggs. Fir girls there is tinted lip balm, small fingernail polish, little braided bracelets, stickers, etc! I had 2 nephews & 1 niece one year so the girl got to collect the purple eggs, one boy blue & 1 green. That way they got the same number of eggs & things specific for their age!

    • April 1, 2021 / 10:01 am

      That sounds like so much fun and great ideas for boys and girls.

  2. April 1, 2021 / 11:19 am

    Great ideas!! Happy Easter to you and your family and Happy Easter to Jim in Heaven!!

  3. Susan Cicarelli
    April 2, 2021 / 4:19 am

    Happy Easter to you and your family🙏❤

  4. April 2, 2021 / 10:28 pm

    This is a perfect solution and I think so much better than candy since it will last so much longer & hopefully he’ll think of you when he plays with his cars & trucks. Blessings to you & your family and wishing you sweet memories of your hubby. XO- MaryJo

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