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Wind Trashed My Patio

  It’s the first Saturday of April, and I’m joining my Cozy Living friends to share cozy living ideas for the month!  Be sure to check the end of this post, you’ll find links to the other cozy living ideas that my friends are sharing.  A special thanks to Jennifer from Town and Country Living who hosts this series each month. This time I am trying to create a cozy feeling outdoors after Wind Trashed My Patio.

You all have seen my patio a dozen times.  It has been a favorite place to sit and enjoy the outdoors.  I loved that it was kind of an outdoor room sheltered from the sun and privacy from the next-door neighbors.  (My neighbors are special friends, so I wasn’t blocking them, just blocking the side of their house.) haha  Love them.  We live in a spot where the wind blows through our backyard at hurricane-force winds.  Well not really, but it is really strong.  Last week we had terrific winds and the Wind Trashed My Patio.  

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Here is what it looked like before the wind came through. On the end wall, we had hung some fabulous outdoor curtains.  They didn’t totally block the light, just blocked the view of the neighbor’s house.  To still be able to see the yard and pool but block some of the sun, the left side you see is a roll-down sunscreen shade.  This helps keep the patio cool but still allows us to see the yard. 

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Here is what it looks like now.  Everything blew all over the place.  Some of my decor was up against the fence on the side of the house and so were several pillows and the throw blanket. The wind ripped the curtains, rod, and all out of the wood top rail.  The curtains were trashed and so was the rod.  When I moved the one settee under the window, I put the plants on the outside wall, they were thrown all over the place too.  Now I need to figure out what to do to create a fun space to sit and relax.

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This side of the yard didn’t have any shrubs because this was the side that was my hubby’s cactus collection that he had on tables like you see at the nursery.  I didn’t show this side often because it wasn’t my favorite view, but he loved those plants and won tons of awards showing them in different competitions.  Now that the Master Gardeners have come and taken them all, I need to do something with this side of the yard.  They are creating a memorial garden in his name with some of the plants.  I know he would be so honored. 

 I think this side needs some shrubs and I need to plant the veggie garden you see on the left too.  First thing is to add some pillows, clean the place up and make it a little more usable. 

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As for the end where the curtains use to be, I am thinking maybe another roll-down sunscreen shade.  That way when we have winds, I can just roll it up and let the wind blow on through.  This one on the front provides shade from the late afternoon sun and creates a sort of room.  I love that you can still see through it and see the yard. 

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This is the roll-up shade we have on the front side and I think we will do the same on the backside.  Here is the link for the 96inch shade.  These are super inexpensive too.  The 96inch is only $64.  We have the 120inch on the front and if we needed to replace it the cost is only $69.  Great way to shelter a patio area from the sun.  I highly recommend these.  The 120inch one on the front we’ve had for 3 years and still looks pristine and works beautifully.  (This is not a sponsored post, I just wanted to share a favorite outdoor accessory.)

coming soon

This would be how ours would look with two shades.  Plenty of shade from the sun and also blurs the view of the neighbor’s house.  Add in some shrubs on the wall behind it and this could create the look I want. 

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Looking from the patio back to the pool on the other side of the yard, this is the view you would have.

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Now to find some shrubs to plant and get this project going before it gets really hot.  If I can get that done and the flowers I’ve already planted grow and bloom, then this will be a beautiful oasis again.  

Be sure to check out all my friends and see how they are creating Cozy Living at their place.

Cozy Living Series - April 2021

Duke Manor Farm / Creative Cain Cabin / Finding Silver Pennies / Town and Country Living

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Vinyet Etc. / Hymns and Verses / A Stroll Thru Life




  1. April 3, 2021 / 1:06 pm

    Oh my goodness, I’m so very sorry that awful wind trashed your patio! Ugh, not a fun thing to find! I LOVE the idea of a memorial garden for your love, that’s such a beautiful idea!

  2. Carolyn @ Our Gilded Abode
    April 3, 2021 / 2:46 pm

    The wind has been so crazy! We were RV’ing last month and in Las Cruces, NM, were in a dust storm in the campground. It was a bit scary and the wind gusted to 50-60 mph. Before the storm, we had a beautiful mountain view and during the storm we couldn’t see to the end of our campsite. Wind can certainly be scary and cause damage. So glad that you were able to recover your beautiful decor. I like the idea of installing the woven screens that you can roll up when winds are threatening.

  3. April 3, 2021 / 4:51 pm

    Wow! The wind really did a number on your pretty patio! I love the color combination you have out there. Looks like a great place to start the day with coffee – or end it with a glass of wine!

  4. April 3, 2021 / 11:26 pm

    I live in a circle. When I moved here there was little in the way of shrubs and trees so if a hurricane blew west to east or east to west, right thru my yard. A lot of planting made the situation better. I was even able to get some free trees from the County Extension Agent. Ask the master gardeners about fast growing shrubs for your area.
    Enjoy Easter with your family.

  5. April 5, 2021 / 4:25 pm

    Oh, no, Marty, I’m so sorry the wind did so much damage. Those curtains looked so pretty, too. I do like your idea of using another rolling shade. xx

  6. April 6, 2021 / 7:27 am

    Woah! That was some serious wind!!

    My porch is my favorite spot to be. It’s screened in, and gets the best breeze, but the afternoon sun really makes it hard to eat outside, and even sit because sometimes the whole thing has the sun beaming in. I have been thinking about putting up drop cloth curtains, but that pull down screen you shared is such a better idea! Inexpensive and so much easier. Thanks so much for the recommendation!

  7. April 15, 2021 / 3:52 am

    Oh, no! We recently had two tornadoes in our area and although no direct hit, thank God, we did lose some shingles. The wind and rain destroyed a large and heavy crank up rolling umbrella outside on our deck. Thanks so much for linking up with me at the Unlimited Monthly Link Party 23!

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