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Backyard & Pool Are Ready

We started off April with some unreal warm days.  We’ve been in the 90’s every day.  That works wonders to warm up the pool and help all the plants grow.  Things are starting to shape up and the backyard & pool are ready. 

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Last fall things had gotten so overgrown after Jim passed away, so I had a gardener come in and prune everything back.  It cleaned things up, but boy it looked so bare.  I knew this is what Jim would have wanted, but I was worried if I had things cut back too far.  I mean, just look, everything looked so naked and all the annuals were gone, so no pretty flowers.

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Now things look a whole lot better.  Over the winter the shrubs grew and as they became available a month ago, I started buying a few annuals and adding some pretty color back around the pool.  Nothing fancy, mostly gazanias and petunias.  They will last all summer in our heat, so I like to add them since they create so much color.

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The flowers will eventually grow and make large mounds of color.  That’s when I like it best.  All these warm days have warmed up the water too, the pool thermometer said 74 degrees today.  I prefer it around 78 degrees, so a couple more days and I will grab my glass of wine and head for the pool just like Jim and I always did.  The pool has a lot of shade by about 4:30, so that is when we would hit the pool and enjoy splashing around and visiting.  I can’t wait to enjoy it again.  I’ll miss him, but it will be great memories of so many fun hours together. 


  1. April 12, 2021 / 10:15 am

    Beautiful, Marty Lots of good memories for you in this yard

  2. Michele M.
    April 12, 2021 / 5:00 pm

    Oh it filled it beautifully, Marty! What a fabulous pool area. I know it will bring back memories for you – but do enjoy. It’s been a horrible year for so many reasons…..I love the rebirth of this time of year and look forward to warmer days ahead for us both.

    Big hugs and comforting friendship, too. ♥

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