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Cooling Off In The Pool

June hit and so have the temperatures.  We had our first 118’s a few weeks ago.  June and July are always the hottest months in the desert, so the heat is on.  Time to get out the pool lounger, something fresh to drink, and spend half my days cooling off in the pool.

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I am thrilled to be joining a group of friends for another Cozy Living Series.  All the links will be at the end of this post. Special thanks to Jennifer from Town and Country Living who hosts this series each month for including me.  Can you believe it’s already Julu?  It’s the first Saturday of the month which means I’m joining a few of my favorite bloggers to bring you some of the ways we create cozy and warm spaces in our homes.

Today I am outside in the backyard, where you find me most days.  I am so glad we have this wonderful pool to make living in the desert fun.  Most of the year our weather is perfect, but summer is really warm.  Even if it is a dry heat, it is warm.  Tomorrow I am going to a fun BBQ Party with friends for the 4th.  With my wonderful pool, it feels like a party to me everyday.

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I love being outside, but you can’t be outside very long in this heat without some shade and a pool.  Late afternoon the pool is in a lot of shade and I am ready for a glass of wine.  Out comes the lounger – – –

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I grab my favorite plastic glass filled with wine and head for the pool.

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My routine is rather simple.  I am in and out of the pool all day.  I get in, cool off, putz around the yard, then back in the pool to cool off again.  Same thing when I am doing housework.  When I get tired or a little warm, outside to dip in the pool, cool off and back inside.

A couple of years ago I added hooks to the patio post to hang our towels on.  This has been one of the best simple diy projects.  No more wet towels all over the patio and chairs.  Get out of the pool, grab a towel, dry off and hang back up on the hook to dry.

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Wish you were here to join me, the water is around 80 degrees and perfect.  I would pour you a glass of wine and get out another lounger so we could spend the day cooling off in the pool.

Now Check out all the links below to see what my friends are sharing.

Cozy Living Series - July 2021

Hymns and Verses / A Stroll Thru LifeVinyet Etc.

Cozy Living Series - July 2021

Finding Silver Pennies / Town and Country Living


  1. July 3, 2021 / 3:05 pm

    Marty, your pool is so beautiful! Looks like a very relaxing way to spend the summer. xx

  2. July 4, 2021 / 9:38 am

    How nice to have that beautiful pool. I am so jealous wish Lived closer to float in the pool with you. Happy 4th. xoxo

  3. July 4, 2021 / 4:09 pm

    Love your pool, Marty. I think every house should have some type of water feature in the yard – pool, pond, or fountain. Stay cool during your heat wave!

  4. Ellen Collins
    July 4, 2021 / 4:12 pm

    You have the perfect way to escape that crazy heat! Your lanai area is gorgeous and I see why you spend so much time there. Happy Independence Day!

  5. July 5, 2021 / 9:21 am

    Your pool and back yard are gorgeous, what a wonderful way to cool down. I had to look up what a 118*f was as we deal in Celsius in Canada, yikes, I’ve never been anywhere that hot, glad you have this lovely oasis to fight this heat!

  6. Carolyn
    July 6, 2021 / 8:49 pm

    I’m so glad you have that wonderful escape from the heat. Can imagine it’s so relaxing and serene … just floating n the cool water. Enjoy!

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