Home » Company’s Coming – Guest Bedroom

Company’s Coming – Guest Bedroom

I love having company, so getting the guest bedroom ready is always a fun project.  This time around I thought I would do a simple Black and White room.  Black and White is always so chic and perfect for any time of year, even summer.  Here’s my Company’s Coming – Guest Bedroom.

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Our home was built to be either 3 bedrooms and a loft or 4 bedrooms.  The people that had it built chose to have 3 bedrooms and a loft.  I love that arrangement, however, one of the bedrooms is fairly small – only 10 x 11 ft..   Since Jim chose the larger guest bedroom as his office, the smallest one is what we use as our Guest Bedroom.  Even a small bedroom can be pretty and hold a queen bed, dresser, and chair.  All the necessities for any guest.

How you arrange furniture in a small room can make all the difference.  I like for there to be plenty of walk-around room when you first enter the room.  This also gives a person a space to get dressed without falling over furniture.  I placed the bed on the side of the window on the back wall.  This gives maximum open floor space as you enter.  There is only about 9 inches on the other side of the bed, however, that is plenty to walk around for a person to get into bed on that side.

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At the foot of the bed are the dresser and a second chair.  The Dresser is a beautiful vintage mahogany find from a thrift store.  This entire room was put together with thrifty finds and items that I could makeover.  That’s the way I can have an upscale room on a tiny budget.  I like to keep a few bathroom essentials in the top drawer in case my guest forgot something.  Toiletries, a note pad and even a pair of slippers.

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Plenty of storage and a fun antique mirror to add some character.

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The headboard was another thrifty find that I made over.  I found it at Hotel Liquidators for only $29.50 and did a total makeover.

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I like to have a welcome tray for my guests too.  A book and a few mints are always nice.

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Company’s Coming – Guest Bedroom

Everything in this room was thrifted, you can see how it all came together and how I refinished or made over every single piece at this Guest Bedroom Reveal.

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  1. July 14, 2021 / 8:34 am

    Your guest will not want leave that pretty room. I just finished doing my bedroom in black and white and love it. It is a great color combo for anytime of year.

  2. July 14, 2021 / 10:31 am

    Love the refresh in this room!! And the book for your guests! 🙂

    • July 14, 2021 / 11:44 am

      My favorite Author wrote that book.

  3. Kay
    July 14, 2021 / 6:59 pm

    Beautiful and welcoming! I love toile and would cover the entire bedroom with it if hubby agreed. This room reminds me that I want to continue to pare down on furniture and extras in my own home. I love the simplicity and elegance here. Lovely!

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