Home » Fun Day Spending My Birthday Money – Sort Of

Fun Day Spending My Birthday Money – Sort Of

You know how it goes, you plan to have a whole day to visit all your favorite stores and shop.  You have money in your pocket and a gift certificate that you got as Birthday money.  All set for a Fun Day Spending My Birthday Money – – –  Sort of.

Things didn’t work out exactly as I planned.  I needed to get the car serviced (lube & oil change.)  So I decided to get that done first thing so I had the whole day.  Once I got all checked in, things got busy and they told me it would be about 45 minutes.  Ok, I can live with that.  It needs to get done.  I’ll just check my emails and look at you guy’s posts on my phone while I wait.

I could see the street from the waiting room.  Then I saw the most awful accident.  A homeless man started crossing the street in the middle of the block, a car didn’t see him and struck him.  He lay in the median for a few minutes, several cars stopped and several were on the phone calling 911.  4 guys were around the man to make sure he wasn’t hurt badly.  He sat up and finally was able with help to cross the street and sit on the sidewalk.  Just as soon as we could hear the sirens from the police cars, the man got up and started limping down the street.  Several men tried to stop him but he started trying to run and disappeared behind some buildings.  When the police got there they couldn’t find him.

That left everyone a little shaken.  The poor man that hit him was about to have a heart attack he was so upset, but they didn’t give him a ticket. Just a really bad accident and I so hope the homeless man is ok.  Wish he would have stayed for help.

When things settled down, they called me to look at one of my front tires.  The tread was really getting smooth – I needed new tires.  I told them no to their quote and said I would take care of it.  They finished the car and I headed for Discount Tire.  The man there said it was a three-hour wait, or I could make an appointment for 2:30 and come back.  I made the appointment.  (I am so used to Jim taking care of all these things, I need to learn to check out the tires and the car more often to keep things up in good shape.)

Now I was off to visit Hobby Lobby.  I had a couple of hours, so I could do some shopping and maybe even have time to go to Home Goods.   Hobby Lobby was stuffed to the brim with Fall Decor and even tons of Christmas too.  I snapped a few pictures of some of the aisles.  I love seeing all of their stuff and they always have more than you can dream of.  Take a look at a few of the aisles – –  –

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You all know they had way more than this.  I had fun shopping the whole store.  I did find some really great things with my gift certificate.  Can’t wait to use them in my Fall Home Tour.  This is what I bought ( I have quite a few velvet pumpkins) so I couldn’t resist these 4 leather pumpkins.  Two rafia pumpkins – one black and white ceramic pumpkin, a Blessed sign and a pretty bouquet of sunflowers.  Everything was 40% off, so really affordable.

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I am always telling you guys to check out the Pillows at Hobby Lobby.  They have a section in the fabric department that is just pillow covers and they are gorgeous and so well made.  They were all on sale for 50% off.

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I found a gorgeous cream beaded pillow that I love.   They have pillows as low as $5, so be sure to check them out when you are there next time.

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By now it was 1:45 and I had that 2:30 appointment to get new tires, so I drove thru Arby’s got a roast beef sandwich and a coke and headed for Discount Tire.  The weird day continued from there.  They were way short-handed, so it took until 4:15 to get my two new tires.  By this time I decided to call it a day and just go home.

I guess it was a successful day, I do have the car back in tip-top shape and I did get to shop for a little while, so all in all it turned out to be ok.  I really do love the treasures I found, can’t wait to play with them and start putting some Fall Decor together for the Fall Home Tour coming up in a few weeks.

I still have some birthday money, so I will plan another shopping day.  Maybe I can hit Home Good and AtHome next time.  Wish me luck.



  1. August 22, 2021 / 3:02 pm

    Now I want to go to HL, but I do NOT need more Fall stuff, LOL!!! I am so sorry about the poor homeless man! I hope he is OK! Hope you have another shopping day soon:):)

  2. August 23, 2021 / 4:57 am

    Hobby Lobby is my favorite go-to store for everything Marty! Their sales are wonderful and the selection is the best. I create silk florals for our church and purchase most of my flowers there. Best looking flowers in my book! I like to look at them in person to see the true quality of them. I always get rave reviews from our church members thanks to Hobby Lobby. At this stage in life I have plenty to decorate our condo with for any holiday but why is it I always find “just one more thing” to add to a holiday? I tell my hubby it’s just one of those mysteries of life! ( He sometimes goes with me to HL and says it’s to get some exercise but he’ll occasionally pick up something along the way and say “wouldn’t this look good if you put it here or there”? I just put it in the cart and chuckle! )
    Blessings, Edie Marie

  3. August 23, 2021 / 8:05 am

    Morning Marty,
    Oh wow, you had quite a day……that was something about the homeless man hit by the car. Like you, I hope he is okay. Never fun to hear you need big ticket items on your car either, but glad you were able to get them, so at least you know your car is safe while you are driving. I know our hubbies do so many things for us, that we don’t even think about or sometimes even know about. I love hobby lobby too, such a fun store to browse in, love all their
    Fall stuff……….we were in there not too long ago and they had just put out all of their fall stuff, and I was wanting some, and I thought Nellie, you need
    another pumpkin like you need a hole in your head. lol cause I have so many fall decorations I have collected over the years, but probably at some point I will wind up with at least 1 more pumpkin……….cause I just love those lil buggers…….lol
    You take care and glad you did get a lil fun shopping in, and looks like you got some cute stuff to inspire you. it is so hot here and I am so ready for some
    Fall weather but we have probably 2 mos. ahead before that is gonna happen. Boo!
    Well, at least you have another fun shopping day to look forward to…….
    Blessings hon…………and you are still on our prayer list………

  4. Ann
    August 23, 2021 / 8:23 am

    I’ve learned from experience that I should not plan to do anything else on the day the car is going to be serviced. If i’m lucky and all goes smoothly I can do something more enjoyable after they’ve finished (I usually do morning appointments). If I’m not so blessed, I read on my Kindle or get a ride home and go back when they’ve finished … keeps me from getting stressed waiting.

  5. August 23, 2021 / 9:12 am

    It sounds like you did a good mix of have to’s and want to’s. Car repair is a BIG ONE that must be done. I am also having to learn all of these things that Hubby did for our home and family – this weekend I learned how to edge and mow. Its both empowering and overwhelming but I am determined to do more than survive. My word of the year was thrive – I am definitely putting that to the test! I’m sure all your decorating will be pretty – can’t wait to see it.

  6. August 23, 2021 / 9:22 am

    Wow about the accident. I hope the homeless man is ok. Sometimes you can get up from something like that because you are in shock or adrenaline is flowing and then later you feel the pain. I hope he did not break anything. Prayers for him. I am so proud of you to forge ahead and get the things done that normally Jim would have done. That had to be hard and a little upsetting to have to deal with but you did it! Yay! Funny I was just thinking this morning I want to venture to the Hobby Lobby to see what they have for fall decor. I hope my HL aisles look like your HL. Have a great new week ahead. xoxo

  7. August 23, 2021 / 11:26 am

    Happy Birthday. I do not like car stuff. My favorite thrift store is in the same shopping center so I can always wander over there instead of waiting in the waiting room. I love your Hobby Lobby finds. I agree with you about their pillows. They are such a good buy. I have enjoyed some new ones all summer.

  8. August 24, 2021 / 5:06 am

    Hi Marty,
    The multiple bystanders that helped is what you can hold onto. I think you just tapped into a new series of new content with the everyday tasks you are now responsible for like tires and oil changes.

    Oh I found my Autumn sign at Hobby Lobby and I scanned your pic to see if it was in the background. I am so happy I bought in July. I love a retail therapy, post birthday binge shopping sprees. Thank you for sharing your day! xo xo laura in colorado.

  9. August 25, 2021 / 8:47 am

    Oh gosh, Mari. It sounds like a harrowing day. Glad you were able to get a little fun fall shopping in though. I haven’t been to the stores in forever so it was fun to peek at your pictures. I do love Hobby Lobby pillow covers, too!! Hope you’ll share your HomeGoods haul after you go and hope it’s a more peaceful day!

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