Home » $40 Laundry Room Makeover

$40 Laundry Room Makeover

I am so honored, my $40 Laundry Room Makeover is being featured on Hometalk.  I thought maybe some of you might have missed it, so I thought I would re-run the reveal here.  $40 Laundry Room Makeover.

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This was such a fun makeover to do and so inexpensive.   We started with your standard builder basic laundry room.

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Some leftover paint, shelf and a few accessories and I had a fun place to do my laundry.

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Check out the step-by-step details at the reveal here.  Thanks also to Hometalk for the feature.


  1. November 3, 2021 / 11:40 am

    I loved this transformation when it was first presented, and even more so seeing it again. I would love if we were neighbors so you could show me the technique or me pay you to do!. I know it looks simple. I remember trying such from your closet makeover, and it didn’t go to plan when attempting such. Friends said it had that wallpaper look because there were some inconsistencies. I’m living with it for now. =) CONGRATS in HOMETALK recognizing your transformation. What form of media is this since I live in Illinois……..

    • November 3, 2021 / 11:51 am

      Hometalk is a social media app like facebook or instagram. I love that it showcases tons of fabulous blogs and wonderful DIY projects. Thanks for such a gracious compliment. This really was fun to do. Wish you were next door too. Marty

  2. November 4, 2021 / 2:34 pm

    Send to m y21year old for her new home she is renovating

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