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Purging & Organizing Bathroom Vanity Storage

The new year seems like the perfect time to purge and clean the whole house.  I have to make sure all the Christmas decor is put away and then clean up all of that mess, so might as well do some deep cleaning while I am at it.  Time for some Purging & Organizing Bathroom Vanity Storage.

Purging & Organizing Bathroom Vanity Storage

This is a galley-type bathroom.   When we moved in it was totally builder grade.  It finally got a makeover with all the stuff we had leftover from previous remodels throughout the house.  I think this is a true testament to what you can do for almost free.

Tub is on the left of the vanity – – –

View into the shower/toilet section on the right of the vanity.

 This bathroom is truly builder grade with no upgrades for the vanity.  It’s as basic as can be, but it works for now until the budget allows for a total gut job.

Here’s a reminder of before the makeover.

and now –

So, making it pretty was my goal – – – –$48 Master Bathroom Makeover Reveal

Every year I try to take a good look at all the “stuff” I have and purge what I don’t use and is out of date.  You know all the makeup, hair products, and other things that just seem to grow out of control.

Now I don’t have any fancy solutions and really didn’t want to spend tons of money for organizational pieces, so I bought a couple of things and then used what I already had.

There are only two drawers ( the two in the center are faux, I just added the handles because I liked the look).  Since I have my makeup mirror attached to the wall on the left side of the vanity and near the window for natural light, that drawer was the logical place for my makeup.

I found this wonderful drawer divider that fits perfectly at Home Goods.  I sorted through all the makeup I don’t use, outdated, just junk, and kept way too much, but now it is organized and easy to see what I need.

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The door storage area underneath holds a small drawer unit that I’ve had for years.  Perfect for my body creams, lotions, and other small items – (a few extra makeup essentials – nail essentials – tweezers and other tools)

The two center doors hold all the big stuff we all need.  First one has hair “stuff”.  All those big bottles and can essentials. This is a drawer that pulls out so I can easily reach anything in the back.  (On the side I have a few extra garbage bags for the small trash container in the toilet section of the bathroom)

The other side under the sink holds more Hair Essentials.  Curling irons, hair dryer and more hair products in the drawer.  There’s also room for some bathroom cleaning essentials.

The drawer on the top right holds my combs and mirror plus a few odds and ends.

The door underneath has extra toothbrushes, paste and etc, a box for all the first aid things and then a drawer for feminine hygiene products.


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Nothing fancy or magazine worthy, but simple everyday storage that is easy to organize and find what I need.  So don’t feel like you have to have custom pieces or things from the most expensive container store to organize your bathroom.  No one usually sees this but you, so no need to spend a fortune.  Use some simple storage drawers from Walmart and then purge all the things you don’t really use and your bathroom will be perfect for you.

Now I can use this bathroom without trying to find what I need.  It’s so easy to see everything.

How about you, what is your solution to all that “bathroom stuff”?


  1. elle
    January 6, 2022 / 9:00 am

    No need to gut this bathroom – it looks great. And very practical organization and storage. It looks very efficient.

  2. January 6, 2022 / 9:51 am

    The bathroom looks great. I would not change anything. I think of you often when I see your photo online. Thoughts and prayers in your loss. Look up!!!

  3. January 6, 2022 / 8:15 pm

    When I see someone get the cabinet area under a bathroom or kitchen sink organized, I always feel the need to do my own! Both of mine are a mess – thanks for the inspiration!

  4. January 7, 2022 / 9:15 am

    This is what I am doing this weekend, organizing under our bathroom sinks! OMGoodness, how does it get so out of control? OY! I can’t wait to purge…..and then I will take on my make up table. THAT is crazy. UGH. LOL

  5. Brenda
    January 7, 2022 / 10:22 am

    You are clever & resourceful, Marty. Happy New Year!

  6. January 7, 2022 / 10:42 am

    Being a low maintenance woman, there’s not much makeup found in this master bath shared with hubby. In ways, this room looks like yours Marty. Full width mirror with 2 sink oak vanity beneath. I would love to do what you did, with gel stain, and yet hubby is a wood purist and anything oak (and there’s plenty) is not getting changed. =( However, there are two recessed mirror medicine cabinets (one on each side) of the mirrored wall. As much as I’ve seen other bloggers remove this setup, I like it because it makes the room larger, and here’s where some of this every day stuff resides. The small linen closet holds bed sheets, towels, bars of soap/shampoo, and a small laundry basket for the clothes/towels. The hallway linen closet holds few bed spreads and excess bathroom supplies. Like the rest of the house, contents are routinely assessed regarding keep/sell/donate, and have already been on this pursuit! Wallpaper was removed a year ago from this room. The walls continue to remain bare because I don’t know what color to have the walls painted or what to do with it. I find choosing a paint color stressful so nothing has happened. ha

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