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2022 Projects & Goals

2022 Projects & Goals.  Here we go with another new year.  I always think every new year is a fresh start.  Time to look at what you really want to accomplish and what your goals are for the new year.  Last year was a year of survival after losing Jim on August 13, 2020.  The entire year was learning a new path and putting me back together.  I am still learning and putting myself back together, but I am way better than I was at this time 1 year ago.  I miss Jim with every breath I take, but I am learning to cherish every memory like a special gift.

Survival seemed to be my main focus for 2021, so not many goals or projects for the year.  Now I really want to fulfill some of the goals and dreams we had but didn’t get done.

  1.  Finish up the backyard.  After Jim passed, the Master Gardeners graciously came and took all of his cherished plants.  They cleared out all of his potting tables and potting stuff and left me with a lovely clean slate to work with.  You can see what all they did here – Backyard Makeover.

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The veggie garden will stay, however the area where the potted tree and bush will be cleared out and that is where I want to create a fire pit lounging area.  Since there is already gravel down as a ground cover, this is going to be a really simple job.

For Christmas, I got two fabulous Adirondack Chairs.  They are a gray composite wood that is really heavy-duty and super sturdy.  I love them.


I already have a propane firepit that I can use, so this is not a big job to create the seating area.

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I think an area like this with two chairs will be perfect.  We can always pull up chairs from around the pool if we need to.

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The main work will come doing some landscaping in this corner.   I want to continue the same type of landscaping we have around the pool, so some tropical and flowering shrubs and trees.   I love this wall of landscaping in this picture, so that gives you an idea of what I am thinking of.  We already have a water line going all the way around the fenced area, I will just need to have the garden guy come and connect drippers to all the shrubs once I get them planted.  Then it will be maintenance-free.

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Here is a pic you’ve seen before of the pool landscaping, so this same type of landscaping will continue on the other side of the yard.


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That is my main goal to start off the year in the project department.  I don’t have any other major goals lined up so far, just tweaking and refining some of my decor.  I think I’ll take some time and really purge my decor and pillow stash and fine-tune what I really use and what I should give away.  There are a few things that I could upgrade, so I think I will work on that.

I am going to be babysitting my new little grandson Luke two days a week, so I am super excited about that.  He is 3 months old and such a cutie and I love taking care of him.  I also took his 4-year-old brother Ryan on a play date to Peter Piper and that was such fun.  I think I will try to plan more time with him this coming year too.  All of my grands always make any time with them such a special treat.  We’re expecting our first new “girl” grand in February, so that is a thrill.  I definitely want to take a trip to meet her when she arrives.

I am still trying to find a new normal for my world, but that will probably be an ongoing process for a while.  Learning to be single is a new challenge, but I think I am getting the hang of it.  As you can see, I am learning to use the word “I” too.  Baby steps is still progress.

I am pleased to say I’ve crossed the bridge and memories of Jim and our life together make me smile more and more.  I am focusing on what we had and not what I lost.  This year will be a good year and I hope to grow even more.

How about you, any projects or goals on your list for the new year?


  1. Libbie Burling
    January 13, 2022 / 6:25 am

    I love your fire pit plan, it will be such a relaxing place to sit and chill! Congratulations on the new grand baby!

  2. January 15, 2022 / 6:21 am

    Congratulations on your newest grandchild and to now have a girl! Have fun with the 3 month old!

  3. Barbara Ann
    May 15, 2022 / 4:08 pm

    I just now read this post (I don’t keep current on my blogs that I follow). I’m thrilled to hear that your heart is now focusing on all the good times you had with your husband. May God help to comfort you in the future.

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