Ok, this is real confession time and might be too much TMI. I don’t know about you, but I am ashamed to admit that I get up in the morning, shower, brush my teeth, run a comb through my hair and put on a pair of old leggings and a shirt, and start in with my day. If I have to run a quick errand I have been known to go just like I am. If I need to go grocery shopping, I will probably put on some lipstick and maybe a better shirt. Ok, I know, I have really become a slob. I am clean but boy I sure do look like I am ready to scrub the house from top to bottom all the time – Dressed in my grubbies. I really need to change this bad habit. I worked outside the home for years and I know that it only takes about 30 minutes to shower, do my hair and makeup, and pull myself together, so why have I gotten into such a rut. Time for a change so I got busy and put a few outfits together that are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. This white linen pair of capris can be matched with any tee shirt I have to create a nice-looking outfit. This will be a staple for sure to grocery shop, run errands, have lunch with friends or just go thrifting. I have several other pairs of capris that I can add tee-shirts to for even more outfits that are much better than grubbies.
Welcome to Home & Decor Encore! This is where we dig into our archives and bring back some old posts that we can update or ones you might have missed or are new to you! Doreen from Hymns and Verses keeps it all put together and us all organized. I’ve been sure to double-check myself and make sure I don’t look like a slob ever since this post was created. When I look decent I feel good about myself, so it’s a good thing. You can see my entire post It’s Time For Me To Stop Looking Like A Slob. – Confession Time here. Be sure to check out what my friends are sharing this week.