Home » Getting The Patio Ready For Summer

Getting The Patio Ready For Summer

Summer is such a fun time of year.  Time to be outside and enjoy the warm temperatures and fabulous sunshine.  I like to spend time in the morning when it is a little cooler on the patio.  Perfect for my morning coffee.  Of course, I want the patio to look pretty and be comfortable.  Getting the patio ready for summer means changing out a few pillows and accessories.

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Here is a peak at a few changes I’ve made through the seasons.  This is what the patio looked like when I cleaned up the yard after the pool was finished.  This is still my favorite grouping of pillows and accessories.  I repeat this often.

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For a change I also like to add some pretty floral pillows for an instant refresh.

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Keeping things simple with black and white is good too.

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I also love to add some pretty camel colors too.  This always looks warm and cozy to me.

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I enjoyed the curtains that blocked the neighbor’s house, however, they were a nuisance when the wind would blow, so I finally took them down.   Now I like the open feel.  I’ve kept the decor minimal this season when I was getting the patio ready for summer.   Just a couple pillows and accessories.

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This year I am going to just enjoy the yard and the pool more.

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  1. vicky
    May 22, 2022 / 8:06 am

    It looks so pretty and relaxing. It would be great to sit out on your patio and enjoy a cup of coffee or iced tea.

  2. Laura
    May 22, 2022 / 11:36 am

    Hello, friend! I live in a similar climate. I am curious about your patio cover. I cannot tell if it is canvas or a solid structure. I need to replace my patio cover which is not solid. I want something to stop rain. My patio takes a beating here in Palm Springs. Thanks for you time!

    • May 22, 2022 / 2:11 pm

      Mine is part of our roof, so it definitely stops the rain and the sun. Your temps are starting to get higher too aren’t they.

  3. Mary Stevens
    May 23, 2022 / 7:21 am

    I’ve always loved your patio! Mine is about the same size! Have a great summer!

  4. Arrilla
    May 23, 2022 / 1:22 pm

    Marty, if you ever decide to replace your drapes, use fishing weights to hold them down every 7-10 inches and it will keep them from flying everywhere. Not quite sure how strong the winds are in Phoenix, but winds could get strong in Tucson, when I lived there. Here in Florida, near the beach, we always have a breeze, but strong during hurricane season. 🙂 Have a blessed summer!

    • May 23, 2022 / 4:47 pm

      I had them weighted with a iron bar but they kept blowing anyway, so I gave up.

  5. May 23, 2022 / 6:04 pm

    Loving your patio area! Fun to see all the different looks you have had. Looks beautiful my friend. Have a wonderful week.

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