How To – DIY Acrylic Tray

How To – DIY Acrylic Tray.  I love trays and think they can be used all over the house.   I wanted acrylic, I thought it would be perfect to hold everything and not look cluttered.


I wanted one for my desk so I would have a place to put some papers and to hold some of my office necessities.  I found this stunning one at Home Goods for $19.99.  Gorgeous, heavy, and great price.  The only problem, it is too long for my desk area.

I went online to see about finding just the right one, but wow, was I surprised at the prices.  I really liked this one too, but again the price was way out of reach. $142.99

Then I remembered this tutorial I saw at Rain On A Tin Roof.  She used an acrylic frame, so I bought one and set out to copy hers.

Now I have the perfect tray for my desk.

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