Home » 11 Pairs Black Pants – 3 Sizes – Time to Purge The Closet

11 Pairs Black Pants – 3 Sizes – Time to Purge The Closet

11 Pairs Black Pants – 3 Sizes – Time to Purge The Closet.  If you are like me your weight has been all over the board over the years.  Mine has been up or down 10 to 20 lbs over the last 10 years, so that means my closet was filled with 3 different sizes.  Time to purge the closet and pair things down to what I am wearing now.

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My weight has been pretty stable for a while, so I need to get rid of all those too big or too small things and see what I can really wear.


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Our master bedroom is blessed to have two closets.  I chose the walk-in closet as mine.  (You can see the door next to the window.)

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This isn’t a huge closet, but I love the storage and it is perfect for one person – me.  I really need to make sure I stay current with my wardrobe too.  It is so tempting to keep something that doesn’t fit because it was really expensive, or I thought I looked great in it one time.  Now I need to keep the things that are current, that fit, and that I think look good on me.

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With 8 pairs of black and white slacks purged, I moved some of my jackets to this side of the closet too.   This closet has plenty of hanging space for me as well as drawer storage.  I love it.  (I know it looks like I wear nothing but black and white, and I do wear that a lot, however, I have quite a few dressy and casual tee shirts & tops in colors that spice up my black and white.)

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This side of the closet has plenty of shoe storage and more hanging space.  The center of the closet has two rods, but I really only need to use one – – – – – – –

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Sooooo – I created a fun primping station on the top space.  A mirror and some fun accessories.  I love that I can take a last look and choose my favorite earrings, bracelet, watch, and head out the door. It’s also a fun place to display my evening bags.

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Now I can wear everything in my closet and it feels like I can breathe.  I just need to make sure I don’t gain any weight.


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  1. July 7, 2022 / 7:39 am

    You have a wonderful closet set-up. Our current home was built in the 60’s so no walk-ins and no place to build one out. And I hear you on the weight changes. When we moved I purged most of my things because they were too big. Now I’ve gained some back. ouch. Hope you’re having a good week, Marty!

  2. Sandra Amos
    July 7, 2022 / 11:58 am

    That is a good set-up, I need to do the same thing. It is just hard to get rid of something you really like.

  3. July 26, 2022 / 6:01 am

    Beautiful, Marty! I love the clever way you repurposed that hanging area you didn’t need (instead of filling it up with more clothes!). And I love the name you gave it, “primping station.” I hate shopping, so that is probably the reason my weight is so stable! 🤣

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