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A Thrifted Lamp & A Little Repair

A Thrifted Lamp & A Little Repair.  Lamps can be really expensive and finding unusual ones can cost even more.  I found a fabulous bronze lamp at Goodwill years ago, it would be perfect for an office or a den, so I just had to have it.  However, it needed a little repair and a new shade.  How to do both and keep the cost down was another challenge.  This amazing lamp only cost me $15 at Goodwill.

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When I got him home I tried quite a few lampshades I had on other lamps, but nothing seemed to be working.  This was in my previous home, so I decided I wanted him on my desk.  I tried a rectangle lampshade I had and it worked, however I would need a shorter harp.  But it looked pretty good.

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I wasn’t sure if that is exactly what I wanted, good for now, but maybe something better.  I always check at Ross for lampshades.  Sometimes they have just the perfect thing.  TA-DA, burlap and the perfect size and shape.  How lucky is that and only $7.99?  Quite the bargain.  A burlap drum shade that is 12″ tall and 14″ across the bottom.  Couldn’t be better.

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When I saw the lamp, I saw that he had a ball in one hand and some kind of stick in the other.  I soon figured out he was dressed like a golfer and his golf stick was broken.  That’s probably the reason he was at Goodwill.

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So I thought I could fix that.  I went to the party supply store and found some plastic golf club favors.  After a little carving, gluing and paint,  you’d never know it had been broken off.

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I love this lamp and it is one that I cherish.  Sometimes a Thrifted Lamp & A Little Repair with a little party favor were just made for each other.  Today in this house, it is in my Loft/GirlCave/Office.

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It was perfect on my desk in the last house and it is perfect in my Girl/Cave now.  If you find a treasure that just needs a little repair, think outside the box.


  1. October 19, 2022 / 10:32 am

    Wow! That’s such a neat lamp!

  2. Jaz
    October 19, 2022 / 7:04 pm

    Well done looks terrific

  3. Michele M.
    October 21, 2022 / 8:40 am

    Well done, Marty! Even without his golf club he was a good lookin chap!

    Have a blessed and happy weekend. Hugs.

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