Home » Adding Character With Molding & Trim

Adding Character With Molding & Trim

I love to see a room with tons of architectural interest, but sometimes it just doesn’t seem to fit a more modern environment.   I love my daughter’s home.  They’ve lived there for about 4 years and have made some amazing changes in that time.  After Christmas was taken down this past week, my daughter got busy creating the most amazing wall in her family room by Adding Character With Molding & Trim.  She did all of this in one day.

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Her kitchen, dining area, and family room are one huge long room.  It is such an amazing area and I love how you can have half the world in here and it still feels roomy.

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I love how amazing her kitchen is and how large the dining area is too.

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This picture shows how she can extend her table to entertain our whole family.  The space is really amazing.  That’s 20 of us enjoying a wonderful Christmas in 2019.  That is a peek at the Gallery wall in the family room too.

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She has had several different Gallery Walls over the sofa since she moved in.  This was the latest.  I love it, but wait until you see this wall now.

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She sent me this picture as she was finishing up adding the molding to the wall.  I love how this is turning out.

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All done and the room looks amazing.  Elegant, sophisticated, and still modern to fit the house.

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Such an amazing change.  Adding Character With Molding & Trim for pennies.  I think she did good, how about you?


  1. January 11, 2023 / 9:11 am

    How beautiful! What a wonderful focal point and sleek and fresh! I can also see similarities in your decorating style and hers. How fun that must have been to have everyone around one large table. It’s a beautiful space!

  2. Gina
    January 12, 2023 / 9:27 am

    Wow! what a simple change to make a large impact in the room. The whole space is decorated beautifully.

  3. Terry
    January 12, 2023 / 4:48 pm

    Marty, are those commercial picture frames?

    • January 12, 2023 / 8:06 pm

      No, that is molding that is cut and then nailed to the wall. Then caulked and painted.

  4. Gail
    January 12, 2023 / 9:09 pm

    Your daughter has a lovely home, the living room wall is just beautiful.

  5. January 16, 2023 / 6:00 am

    She certainly did do good! I think it looks absolutely fabulous. We’re about to start building our new home (it’s been on the books for about five years now—we will live in Portugal where building takes ages), and I’ve pinned this image so we can use it for inspiration in our living room! Stunning!
    Suzy x
    The Grey Brunette

    • January 16, 2023 / 7:27 am

      Conratulations on your new home, that is so exciting.

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