Home » Use What You Have To Create A Totally New Look

Use What You Have To Create A Totally New Look

Use what you have to create a totally new look.   Do you ever get bored with your home and just want a change?  I do and it is really silly because I love my home and I love almost everything the way it is.  I’m always amazed at how different styles of furniture and different upholstery colors and patterns can totally give a whole different look to any room.

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I’ve swapped sofas and wing chairs several times.  I have a really traditional sofa in my living room that I bought second-hand 10 years ago, it is a fabulous sofa, but one that I would like to replace.  I have a more transitional style in the family room, so I swap them out once in a while, and it totally changes the look and feel of both rooms.  I’ve had this leather tufted wingback chair for years too and it is one that I often change out from the living room to the master bedroom.  My white wingback is perfect in either room, so it’s an easy swap.

Different styles of furniture can really give any room a different feel.  My cut velvet sofa and leather wing-back chair create a more traditional feel and look for my living room.

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My brass and glass coffee table and rug are more on the transitional style and help to tone down the traditional so it doesn’t look stuffy.

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By simply changing out the sofa from the family room, the whole room takes on a totally different look again.

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Now the more modern sofa adds one more element to the transitional style of the room.  Isn’t it funny how the leather wingback chair even looks more transitional and not so traditional?

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One more simple change and the room looks totally different again.

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Now the white wingback chair has changed the room again.  Everything is neutral and much more contemporary or transitional in style and feel.


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I like both sofas and chairs and either arrangement works for me.  However since my style has changed to a little more transitional, I like that look best.  I am thinking about leaving the transitional sofa from the family room in the living room.

The traditional sofa isn’t bad in the family room, but I think I might like something more streamlined and modern here.  So I have been browsing a lot of different sofas and styles.  Not sure what I want, but I think it’s time to replace the traditional cut velvet sofa.

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Until I decide what I really want, it’s fun to use what you have to create a totally new look.


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    1. Michele M.
      May 3, 2023 / 8:50 am

      Marty – this is a wonderful post on comparisons – the difference is subtle but so light and bright – well done.

    2. Myrna
      May 3, 2023 / 3:45 pm

      All of the views are amazing, including changing the plants. At this age when buying something new I want wheels on it so I can move it around. I have short legs, and my biggest consideration in selecting chairs and sofas is a short seat. Everything today seems to be made for big and tall people.
      BTW Marty, you took that home from “builder basic” to a model home. It’s beautiful.

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