Home » Spring Into Summer – May Pinterest Challenge

Spring Into Summer – May Pinterest Challenge

Welcome to Spring Into Summer – May Pinterest Challenge.  This is where we are all given an inspirational picture and then create the feeling of that picture with our own version and interpretation.

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May Pinterest Challenge.  Summer Cabinet Decor.  Michelle @ The Painted Hinge.

Our inspiration this time comes from Michelle @ The Painted Hinge.  She created this gorgeous Spring into Summer vignette in her entry hall.

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Her focal point was this beautiful antique file drawer chest and all the fun clay pots filled with pretty Spring Blooms.

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As I looked at her pictures, I think the main points she captured were some beautiful antiques and pretty flowers.  I used those two points as my inspiration for my inspirational version.

At one time when I lived in the mountains in Oregon, my style was totally designed around my love of primitive antiques.  I loved finding these fantastic pieces and creating a home filled with woodsy, cabin, and outdoor charm.  Since then my style has changed drastically, but a few of those pieces still hang around and are enjoyed and loved today.  I focused my vignette around an antique clock, antique butter churn, candy scales, and antique treasure box.  Adding a few summer flowers to these pieces was the fun part.



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My breakfast area is one space where I love to change things up all the time.  The antique clock and my beloved butter churn reside here all the time.

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I love to think about the lady that would fill this pretty piece with milk and cream, then turn the wheel so the paddles inside would churn the liquid into the most amazing butter.  Once most of the milk and cream is churned, there is a little wooden spicket on the bottom that you pull out to let the rest of the liquid drain out before you take the top off and remove your perfectly churned butter. Since this piece is so ornate, it obviously belonged to a wealthy lady. This piece is so unusual I just haven’t been able to part with it after all these years.  It still holds a spot in my heart.  The clock is a treasure my mother brought back from Europe and gave to me as a gift years and years ago.  It is a special treasure too.

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For my table centerpiece, I added two more of my favorite antiques.  A fun brass and tin Candy scales and a Carved Wood Treasure Box with a special key to keep all of a person’s treasures safe.

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The scale has a bowl-shaped brass tray to hold all the candy so you can get the correct weight.  I filled the tray with pretty sunflowers.  Perfect for summer.

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The top of the box has finely carved detail and a beautiful hand-hammered handle.  I placed a few stems of sunflowers inside and let them spill out the top. A couple of small clay pots with ivy finish off the centerpiece.

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That finished my very loose interpretation of our inspirational picture.

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If you are coming over from DIY Beautify welcome.  I love her style, she always creates the most amazing spaces.  Love her coffee bar.  Then be sure to check out Decor To Adore, I know you will love her beautiful garden dining room as much as I do.

Then be sure to check out all the links below to see what everyone created.

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    1. May 23, 2023 / 6:15 am

      Oh I remember that beautiful clock of yours dear Marty. Your tabletop vignette is just gorgeous!

    2. Cindy@CountyRoad407
      May 23, 2023 / 7:46 am

      I am like you and would never be able to give up that butter churn. It’s amazing! And I loved how you did a tablescape and incorporated things I hadn’t even seen. Like the scale. How cute is that? Great job with your interpretation and thanks for joining in. pinned

    3. May 23, 2023 / 10:16 am

      So pretty. I love your sweet tablescape. Sunflowers always make me so happy. That butter churn is amazing. Hugs to you.

    4. Addie
      May 23, 2023 / 10:29 am

      Oh!!! That clock and butter churner…OH OH OH!!! It would be fun to see some of your old pictures of how you decorated back in the day with all the antiques. Your table scape came out nice too.

    5. May 23, 2023 / 11:05 am

      Your butter churn is gorgeous, Marty! I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of those or knew how it worked. Thanks for the info:) Loved seeing how you interpreted the inspo. pic in your dining room; so pretty with summer sunflowers.

    6. Michele M.
      May 23, 2023 / 1:04 pm

      Love your interpretation – and most especially that gorgeous table ANYONE would be blessed to sit at and enjoy your wonderful company.
      I love it’s neutral nature vibe.

    7. May 23, 2023 / 1:17 pm

      Marty, you are so fortunate to have some real treasures. I would never get ride of them either. You’ve styled the table centerpiece in a lovely mix to evoke the relaxed days of summer.

    8. Myrna
      May 23, 2023 / 6:03 pm

      A beautiful tablescape. Greenery woven in makes all the difference. I so love your kitchen and the table. So bright and cheerful. My late mother in law churned butter. Trust me it was awesome on her biscuits.

    9. May 23, 2023 / 10:00 pm

      Such a beautiful table Marty! and that butter churn is unbelievable. I do not think I have ever seen one like it. So fun to hop with you today.

    10. Suzanne Nast
      May 24, 2023 / 11:23 am

      Your butter churn is one of the prettiest pieces I have seen. Wonderful. You have inspired me. Thank You. Suzanne

    11. May 24, 2023 / 2:23 pm

      I really love your gorgeous antiques Marty, that butter churn is so unique! You created such a beautiful centerpiece! Happy almost summer!

    12. May 24, 2023 / 3:16 pm

      Marty, I love how you incorporated your vintage pieces into your tablescape, and it looks so pretty with the sunflowers and greenery. I have a sentimental soul so I understand how wonderful it feels to enjoy these pretty treasures.

    13. May 25, 2023 / 5:51 am

      HI marty
      You do a beautiful table setting. It is a skill I just cannot do!
      Love that clock! Have a great day! xo laura

    14. May 25, 2023 / 6:33 pm

      Marty, I love that you’ve made this challenge your own by taking the main elements and breaking them up throughout your room! The sunflowers look so summery atop the candy scale. Love the woven chargers, the wood box and the table itself adding their textures! You are blessed to have your mother’s gift of a German clock and the beautiful butter churn. Lovely!

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