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How To Clean & Purge A Massive Project Right Now.

How To Clean & Purge A Massive Project Right Now.  I love my home.  It has become one of my favorite homes that I’ve owned.  It has a few pitfalls and a few surprises just like most homes.  The one surprise is my unexpected storage under the stairs.    This has turned into my favorite place for all the fun things I use to decorate and entertain.  I call this my Dish Room, but it holds so much more.

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The space under our stairs really did tun out to be the best unexpected storage.  I gets as much use as the pantry – well almost.  When we first moved in I added some wire shelves from the garage to hold extra serving dishes, sets of dishes, pillow covers and decor items.   You can see how it looked in this post.

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Then I decided to add some towel bars to hold table runners and some of my fur throw blankets.  This was all functioning very well until I got lazy and quit putting things back where they belonged.

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I opened the door the other day to get a few things out for a family gathering and it was such a mess that I needed to stop and do some cleaning.

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When you have this kind of a mess, all you can do is take everyting out and start over.  I found tons of things that I no longer used, so time for a Goodwill run.  Everything on the counter except the gold lantern and plant at the end of the breakfast bar were doubles of things I already had or things that I no longer used.

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Now it was time to put everything back and in order so I could find something if I needed it.  I also put new batteries in the lights at the back of the stairs, so now I could see what was there also.  I love being able to see my cloches, baskets, chargers and other things that I like to use and switch around.

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On the taller rack I have all my candles and candleholders, next stems and glassware, then dishes and table accessories, and on the bottom bins with extra placesettings and serving pieces, plus more gold chargers.  The drawers in the purple plastic bin hold taper candles, napkin rings and tons of pretty napkins arranged by color.

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Now this is a place I can enjoy.  It might not look beautiful, but it is definitely functional and a space I use so often.

How To Clean & Purge A Massive Project Right Now.

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    1. Dee
      August 20, 2023 / 9:43 am

      Always good to take a look at things we have for unused items…but honestly as soon as I pass on baskets, candle holders and that one ‘unique’ item i haven’t used in years I will want it for a new idea. Hate having to replace what I just passed to the thrift store. So I try to let me pile sit for a few days to take another look, just in case. I have a much bigger area to clean and organize and cull a few things carefully. Now you will be ready for Fall entertaining.

    2. August 20, 2023 / 1:39 pm

      I love doing the purging game – I do the same thing, pulling it all out, cleaning, then putting back only what I love. I like this nice storage space of yours! What a great way to store those throws.

    3. August 21, 2023 / 1:14 pm

      Our primary bedroom closet needs this kind of help right away! Thank you for the inspo and tips Marty 🙂 Hugs- Tanya

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