Home » How To Create A Cozy Fall Bedroom For Now

How To Create A Cozy Fall Bedroom For Now

This year it seems like Summer just doesn’t want to give up.  We still have temperatures in the 100’s and above with an occassional under 100 day.  September makes me in the mood for Fall and I want to decorate my home, bake some pumpkin bread and enjoy Fall Weather.  Since that isn’t happening for a while, I still wanted to change up the Master Bedroom and bring in a touch of fall.  How To Create A Cozy Fall Bedroom For Now even if it doesn’t feel like fall outside.

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Our night time temperatures are still in the 80’s to 90’s, so we need the air on.  That means just a light quilt or blanket, maybe even just the sheets for now is all we need.  My staple bedding is a white dustruffle and lightweight white quilt.  This forms a great basis for me to build on.

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Plain simple white quilt and shams.  This doesn’t look very exciting, but it is a fabulous base to build from.  My headobard has black and camel in the print and my carpet is brown with camel.  I like the white to really lighten things up.

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Camel is one of my favorite colors, so I like to use it as much as possible and it is perfect for Fall.  So I added camel shams to the white ones.  Now to build from there.

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I looked through my pillow stash and I love this camel and gray pillow, so why not add it with a camel throw blanket.

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I use a gray quilt in the guest bedroom sometimes, so I’ve borrowed it to add to the foot of the bed.  This will give me just a little more cover if the temperatures fall.

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That was really easy, just create a base and then build on it.

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I can change things up a dozen different ways with my white base.

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Same white base with my favorite camel shames.  I just added a few different pillows and a different quilt at the foot of the bed.

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I love to borrow quilts from other bedrooms.  This soft aqua green quilt that I use in the Guest Bedroom sometimes, looks great in the Master too.

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A while back I had a similar look for Spring.  I used a camel quilt and a white and camel check throw.  This looked great with my white chair.  (I often trade out the white and leather chair from the Living Room to the Bedroom.  Both work beautifully in both spaces, but give each room a different feel. )

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Find a base to use as the background and then just add anything you want and it will look good.  I have fun changing things up and it always gives me a lift to see the room freshened up.

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    1. Michele / Finch Rest
      September 20, 2023 / 9:56 pm

      That room sure is pretty, Marty. It is styled beautifully.

      Sure hope it cools off for you soon. Your temps are so high.

      My sweet niece moved to Scottsdale for her post college grad “grown up” job. I will DEF be out there to visit her with my
      sister. When they need a bit of time together perhaps you and I could get together. I would so love to meet you in person.
      We’ve been blog friends for eons.

      Take care till then, sweet lady.

      • September 21, 2023 / 6:42 am

        Oh I would love to get together with you. That would be so fun. If you are coming to town, please let me know. Marty

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