Home » How To Make An Interesting & Pretty Fall Vignette

How To Make An Interesting & Pretty Fall Vignette

How To Make An Interesting & Pretty Fall Vignette.  I love joining Cindy @ County Road 407 monthly for her fun Pinterest Challenge.  She gets a bunch of gals together and shows them an inspirational picture she finds on Pinterest.  We all see how we can recreate something similar from the inspiration photo.  It’s so fun to see all the amazing ideas everyone comes up with.  This is the pretty photo she sent us for September.  This beautiful fall vignette came from The Cottage Journal. 

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My takeaway from this picture are pretty deep autumn colors, books, berries and a bowl of pumpkins.


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If you are coming over from The Crowned Goat, welcome, I am so glad you are here for a visit.  Weren’t you amazed at her beautiful vignette and how she captured the feeling of fall with her pumpkins?

I looked through my stash to see what I had that were similar items.  I came up with books, a berry garland and pumpkins.  Time to create my version on my console in the entry.

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I don’t have a lot places to create a special vignette – just a few end tables and a coffee table.  The console in the entry is a great place to create something fun and seasonal.

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Instead of a vase I used a wheat stalk that I could wrap my berry garland around.  Some old books and a pretty brass apple instead of pictures.


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A wooden bowl filled with an antler and pretty velvet pumpkins looks pretty with the berries wrapped around.

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Not a similar look to the original inspiration picture, but I did use some of the same items.  I love how you can take similar items and create all kinds of different vignettes.

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How To Make An Interesting & Pretty Fall Vignette.  Just pick out a few things that you love and see what you can come up with.  It’s really easy.

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Next up on the tour is Lora Bloomquis –  I know you are going to love her amazing display of pottery and how she spotlights it in her home.

Just click on any picture below to see all the links and all the amazing creations these ladies came up with.

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    1. September 26, 2023 / 6:21 am

      So pretty, my friend. I love the wheat bundle.. Happy Fall!

    2. September 26, 2023 / 8:09 am

      What a beautiful way to welcome guests into your home, Marty. I love how elegant it feels with the wheat bundle and the velvet pumpkins. It’s all really pretty! Hugs, CoCo

    3. Rachel Harper
      September 26, 2023 / 10:55 am

      Your fall entry table is styled perfectly. Love the gathered wheat. Lovely.

    4. NATALIE K
      September 26, 2023 / 11:03 am

      What could I use for a tall item instead of wheat. Me, My husband and our son are all allergic to wheat very badly!!! Any idea;s!!!!!

    5. NATALIE K
      September 26, 2023 / 11:03 am

      What could I use for a tall item instead of wheat. Me, My husband and our son are all allergic to wheat very badly!!! Any idea;s!!!!!

      • September 26, 2023 / 3:52 pm

        How about a container filled with fall leaves, or sunflowers, or even some pretty clippings from your yard. Just use what you like, it will look amazing. Marty

    6. Cindy@CountyRoad407
      September 26, 2023 / 12:10 pm

      I too love how you can take the same elements from a photo and do with them what you will. Your vignette turned out great and perfectly fall. Love that bundle of wheat! Thank you for joining us. 🙂

    7. September 26, 2023 / 10:53 pm

      Your entry table looks lovely Marty. I love the wheat bundle and the beautiful brass apple.

    8. September 27, 2023 / 10:43 am

      Simple and classic Marty, like always! Love this pretty vignette!

    9. September 27, 2023 / 5:12 pm

      Really lovely, Marty! I like that you have used wheat instead of a confit pot or a vase. Simple and beautiful… Enjoy!!

      Happy fall and big hugs to you,
      Barb 🙂

    10. September 28, 2023 / 11:14 am

      Your entry vignette looks pretty and ready for fall!

    11. September 28, 2023 / 2:15 pm

      Love the gold apple and the wheat arrangement you incorporated into your Fall vignette, Marty. Such a pretty, Fall welcome to your home!

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