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Thank You For All Your Prayers and Emails


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Thank You For All Your Prayers and Emails.  I can’t thank you enough for all the prayers, cards, and emails while I was in the hospital.  I truly think Bloggers are the most amazing group of ladies.  When someone needs a hand they always jump in and answer any call.  Anne and AnnMarie of Simply2Moms took over the duties of hosting my 2023 Christmas Tour and did an outstanding job.  That was a lot of work and they made it so easy for all 30 ladies on the tour.  Taking on something so time-consuming on short notice shows just how special they are.  While I was in the hospital I received hundreds of emails and prayers from all of you.  I know they helped to guide the surgeon’s hands and to help them decide what would be the best option for me.

Wow, it is amazing how life can throw you a curveball out of the blue.  I ignore little aches and pains and always feel like I can tackle the world.  Around Thanksgiving, I was having a hard time breathing, so I thought I probably had pneumonia.  I went to the doctor and they took ex-rays and I immediately wound up in the hospital.  I had water on my lungs so they had to drain them.  They took an echocardiogram and discovered that my heart was only functioning at about 20 to 25 %. They wondered if I had a Silent Heart Attack or if I had a blockage in my arteries.  They decided to do a Heart Cath.  On November 28th they did the procedure expecting to put in a couple of stints if they found some blockage and I would be good as new.  Instead, they discovered some more severe blockage and a very weak heart, so open heart surgery was decided to do bypass surgery.

A wonderful team of doctors all discussed my options and decided I wasn’t a good candidate for open heart surgery.  They went back to the idea of doing stints.  They decided they could put a pump in my heart to help it out while they did the stints and that would be the best outcome.   This is technology that is beyond belief, I was awake while they did the whole thing.  Science and these amazing doctors can do things we never even imagined a few years ago.  Dec lst a team of 5 doctors put stints in all three arteries to open them up, then removed the pump and I am on the mend.  I was in the ICU for 21/2 days then released to come home Dec 4th.

I have orders to do nothing for 2 weeks and to take it easy for the next several months and let my heart recover and grow stronger.  I can’t lift anything or climb the stairs for 2 weeks so my family set up a bedroom in the family room and they are taking great care of me.  Walking will be great exercise for my heart and help it grow stronger, I just can’t run a marathon or overdo. I will need to pay attention to my heart and my body and not abuse it for the rest of my life.  I need to learn boundaries and limits.

I have been given a second chance at living a normal life and enjoying my family and friends.  I am so grateful for this Blessing. I pray all of you will take good care of yourself, get your checkups, and know when it is time to see a doctor.  I thought I was 100% the healthiest person that I knew and I was so wrong.  Our bodies are amazing instruments, but they need care.

I can’t wait until I am back to full speed.  In the meatime, my posts will probably be fewer, but that won’t stop me from loving to read your posts and follow along.

God Bless

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    1. December 7, 2023 / 7:03 am

      Wow Marty you’ve been through a lot. I’m so glad you’re doing better now. Sounds like you got great care at the hospital. Please be well and take care!

    2. December 7, 2023 / 7:15 am

      Marty, I’m so glad you are on the mend after quite the ordeal. I’m a bit behind on your story as my husband had back surgery on November 29th and I was concentrating on helping him get through the first week of post op and a lot of pain. You are both on the road to recovery thanks to modern medicine and wonderful doctors. So happy you have family around to help you. Take it easy. This will be a wonderful Christmas for you.

    3. December 7, 2023 / 7:20 am

      Wow, Marty. Indeed, you were so smart to heed your instinct and get the excellent care you were able to. I will think of you in my prayers, and hope that you will enjoy the results of healing completely. Take care. Wishing you a Merry Christmas season, and good health restored in the near future.

    4. December 7, 2023 / 7:25 am

      Oh my friend I sit here with tears rolling down my cheeks. I am SO thankful that you are on the mend. Continued prayers for a swift and complete recovery! Many thanks to your family.

    5. December 7, 2023 / 7:29 am

      Marty, I wondered where you were as I missed your blogs and I am so glad the Dr’s were able to diagnose your issues and repair them, Take care of yourself and have a merry Christmas..

    6. Lulu
      December 7, 2023 / 7:53 am

      I’m glad that you’re healing and am praying for you. Let your family pamper you!

    7. Tina
      December 7, 2023 / 7:55 am

      Glad to hear you are doing better! Take care of yourself.

    8. Donna
      December 7, 2023 / 7:56 am

      I am glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. That was quite the ordeal you have been through. Please take care of yourself…and enjoy your day! 😉

    9. December 7, 2023 / 7:57 am

      I will continue to pray for you. Hope you are getting stronger everyday.

    10. Myrna
      December 7, 2023 / 7:59 am

      That’s a lot and we aren’t getting any younger. So thankful you had a great team of doctors and now on the mend.
      I have spent most of this year sick myself. Praying you and your family have a good Christmas and the New Year brings good health.

    11. December 7, 2023 / 8:09 am

      Oh Marty, how scary. I’m so glad you listened to those signs your body was giving you and for that wonderful team of doctors that took care of you.
      Stay strong. ❤️

    12. Esther Dill
      December 7, 2023 / 8:16 am

      Oh Marty so sorry to hear of your healthcare/issues. But thank God that He brought you a great team of doctors. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas season and a speedy successful recovery.

    13. December 7, 2023 / 8:27 am

      Oh my gosh! What a wild ride you’ve been on the last few weeks! Praying you have a wonderfully relaxing couple of weeks so you can build yourself back up.

    14. Kathysue
      December 7, 2023 / 8:51 am

      Oh Marty, this was shocking news! I am so glad you went tent to the doctor. Prayers are coming your way.. take care my friend.

    15. December 7, 2023 / 9:08 am

      Marty, THANK God you are ok. So happy to see you back here and to know that you are recovering and be cared for by family and friends. Take this time to rest, recuperate and reset. Let others take care of you as you have them for all of these years.
      You are in my prayers.

    16. Tracey A
      December 7, 2023 / 9:12 am

      Dear Marty,
      I am praying you heal QUICKLY! You are in my prayers and thoughts.
      God bless you! Yes, technology is amazing!

    17. Gay Clark
      December 7, 2023 / 9:49 am

      I was so alarmed to read you had heart surgery and am glad you had such skilled doctors. I am praying for your complete recovery.

    18. Suzanne Kinkade
      December 7, 2023 / 10:10 am

      Marty, am beyond sorry to hear of your health issues but also glad that you have been put in the hands of the best doctors. Fast healing and slow down!!! Blessings to you and your wonderful family during the holidays.

    19. December 7, 2023 / 10:57 am

      OH, what a time you have had. So happy you are on the mend and will be keeping you in my prayers. REST, and get strong !

    20. Ron Carrier
      December 7, 2023 / 10:59 am

      Prayers for you, Marty!
      Stay positive and listen to your body.


    21. December 7, 2023 / 11:19 am

      Marty, I am so glad that you are on the mend. Isn’t God so good? I’m so blessed to call you. my friend. Hugs and blessings to you. Merry Christmas.

    22. Susan
      December 7, 2023 / 11:36 am

      My goodness, I’m so sorry to hear of your health struggles, but I’m glad to hear you had such wonderful, expert doctors taking care of you. I hope you continue to recover well!

    23. dee
      December 7, 2023 / 11:44 am

      Hearing you are on the road to recovery is good news to all your followers. And I think your story because so many followers ‘feel’ they know you is a great PSA. We should never ignore even a little shortness of breath. And most everyone over age of 50 has a tiny bit of blockage starting….and for some it accelerates. I know a man in his early 50’s that just last month had stents put in cardiac arteries. So everyone heed Marty’s experience. I bet when you get to cardiac rehab classes you will be a star. A peaceful, loving holiday with your family will be good medicine for you.

    24. Michele M. / Finch Rest
      December 7, 2023 / 11:59 am

      My dear friend, I am so distressed learning this – and so thankful to God in His Glorious Mercy for you to have discovered this and to have had it taken care of so swiftly. I am praying for you to rest peacefully and not worry about a single thing. Please take care and know you are in Good Hands.

      I pray for a swift recovery. I am thinking of you and will continue to do so. God bless you. God bless Blogdom too and to Anne and AnnMarie for taking that big worry off your hands. What dear ladies!

    25. December 7, 2023 / 12:55 pm

      Praise the Lord above, Marty! You have been in my thoughts and prayers for God’s healing hands. I will continue to lift you in prayer. You listen to the doctors and rest. Your body needs it so much now to heal. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as you recover.

    26. Pinky
      December 7, 2023 / 3:20 pm

      Oh Marty, I had no idea. I am SO glad you are home and on the mend. My husband had open heart surgery to replace his aortic valve and has done very well. I pray you will also!!! Let your family take good care of you. I need to get back to walking! XO, Pinky

    27. Connie Cover
      December 7, 2023 / 4:28 pm

      So glad to hear you are on the mend. Prayers for your continued recovery and for the wisdom of your doctors.

    28. December 7, 2023 / 5:08 pm

      I’m so glad you listened to your body and that you were taken seriously and the doctors knew what to do for you. I had open heart bypass surgery 20 years ago, because after 3 heart attacks my arteries collapsed. Take it easy and don’t get in a hurry, you will do fine. Pace yourself and stay away from stress. Don’t be tempted to overdo it. That’s a key to recovery 100%. You’ll be in my prayers, Marty. I’m so sorry I didn’t know about this until now. Take care of yourself and let others do the holiday tasks.

    29. Donna Watkinson
      December 7, 2023 / 8:57 pm

      So glad to hear you are feeling better. Sending lots of prayers as you recover.

    30. Shannon Fox
      December 8, 2023 / 1:43 am

      Sweet Marty! I am so glad to hear that your doctors were able to come up with a successful care plan for you, and that your wonderful family has gathered round to care for you as you recover. Wishing you a good recovery as you gain your strength back. It truly is amazing what they can do! Bless you sweet lady 💞

    31. December 8, 2023 / 4:19 am

      Oh my goodness!!! I had no idea and was so relieved to read that the outcome is as good as it is. Rest, heal and get stronger. Take care of you!
      All the very best,
      Lakefield ON Canada

    32. RAinNC
      December 8, 2023 / 8:23 am

      Marty, I have been a pastor’s wife for over 50 years. I have observed, in our various congregations and in our own families, that probably the hardest part of any illness is being patient in recovery. My own mother nearly wrecked her health trying to do too much too quickly after her heart issues. Please, please, please take care and go slowly (but determinedly, as you are wont to do :> ). Don’t worry about regular postings. Well, except for a few short health updates. We will be here when you get back.
      Peace for the journey.

    33. addie
      December 8, 2023 / 10:47 am

      Ohh!!! Marty,
      I am so sorry to hear of this news….but happy to hear you are on the mend. Rest and follow all the doctors orders. Don’t even think about the holidays or keeping up on the house. It will all be there when you are ready!!! May God bless you on your road to healing!!!

    34. December 8, 2023 / 7:01 pm

      Marty, I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that, but so thankful you are on the mend. Prayers and love sent for you.

    35. December 9, 2023 / 1:02 pm

      Oh, dear Marty! I’m so sorry to hear this. You were on my heart and I popped into your blog, I just don’t blog any more, and just now found this out about you. I feel the Holy Spirit led me here so I can jump on the wagon to lift you up in prayers! I’m so glad your procedure is over and you’re healing now. Please take care of yourself. I know I don’t blog any more but I do consider you my sweet friend as we do go back many many years. I love you Marty and I will certainly keep you in my prayers.
      Shelia 😉

    36. Susanne
      December 11, 2023 / 10:20 am

      I am sending up prayers for your continued recovery:)

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